Well, greetings to my loyal subjects-- er, fans.
For that one homeless guy that reads this, this one is for you:
Recently I've been thinking about my High School days. Transitioning from school to school sometimes makes you reflect and think, "Gee, I wish I was taller." or "I'm really happy that I have both of my arms." In that tradition, I'd like to share some of my ruminations:
One thing I clearly remember was one of my favorite teachers, Bryan Pisano. The
After I graduated he moved on from the fast lane of Middleburgh High School and hopped a flight to California. There Mr. Pisano started his acting career. I'm sure you've seen all of his films. But just in case:
To Mr. Pisano: best of luck. Please remember to buy me a house. I'm looking out for you!
I wanted to add more things from my high school writings but apparently I can't find them. I might not be looking hard enough but they might have slipped through an interdimensional timewarp like what happened to me and Ryan Lentz in New Jersey.
What I'm listening to: I've downloaded the Ramones, The Presidents of the United States of America, and right now a Phil Hendrie assortment is chugging along at 97.9%. It's bitchin'!

Letters to a Young Contrarian Thinking of Becoming a Douchebag:
Safina Roe: youre not becoming one of those people
orfannkyl: but i wanna
orfannkyl: being a scumbag has been my lifelong dream
orfannkyl: so get me a tattoo, a drinking problem, herpes, and a guitar I can't play, cause it's time to become someone i hate.
It's Raining in My Soul:
orfannkyl: and you and josh would have me dressing in black
orfannkyl: and wearing a raincoat all the time
orfannkyl: and people would say, "why are you wearing a raincoat in december?"
orfannkyl: and I'd say, "cause it's raining in my soul!"
Remember: the truth is out there: www.coasttocoastam.com