Friday, July 31, 2009
Congressman calls anti-tax group, "scum".
“Americans for Tax Reform are lying sacks of scum, and anyone who knowingly repeats this false information is also a liar,” Taylor said in an unusually blistering statement for a member of Congress."
It might be time for the overwhelming Republican voters in Mississippi's fourth congressional district, to vote this idiot out of office, especially when he reveals himself as an anti-tax congressman, who even stood against the most common sense tax cuts ever proposed (note - all tax cuts are pure common sense), the Bush tax cuts.
Report on story -
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Dollar Bill of Legends

Allison, hope you enjoy this money. Treat yourself to something nice. Don't spend it all in one place. I miss you so much. I can't wait until you come home. Love always Dawn. best friends 4-ever
Now me, I'm a sort of sentimental person. This touched me in a way. But I have to wonder if this is even real. Is it a prank, or was it really a heart-felt goodbye between two friends.
But I want to know either way. I don't know how plausible this is, but I want to find this 'Allison' if she exists, or at least find out if this is a fake.
Does anyone know?
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Clunker Economics
Common Sense & fiscal discipline teach you numerous life-changing lessons in a Capitalistic society, one is - what the government taketh, it will eventually be wasted. Such as the "cash for clunkers" program, the next generation of welfare entitlement for those that don't follow the right way of economics = saving your money. Instead those who do, are being taxed to fund those that don't.
The cash for clunkers program exposes the American people, it also exposes the government, to spare the worst for last, let me start with the government part of the disaster.
Exposing the government : the cash for clunkers program has proven that the federal government does not under stand how to manage anything, they throw free (actually, taxed to death American) money to all Americans to take on more debt during a economic recession, and Americans flock to car dealerships, bankrupting the program in one week. If this we're a business, the business would be closing. Not the government, welfare entitlements are to important, just ask the welfare in Massachusetts who receive government provided auto insurance, cars, etc.
The government mis-management of cash for clunkers, also asks the greatest question for the 2009 legislative session for the United States Congress, if the Congress cannot manage some idiotic billion dollar welfare scheme for 200,000 idiotic Americans, why would we put the faith of 1/5th the American economy, tens of millions of Americans, trillions of tax payer dollars, in the hands of the government in another welfare scheme, in regards to health care.
Think about it.
Exposing the American people : this horrific program exposes the cold hard reality when it comes to at least 200,000 Americans in this Nation, they are so irresponsible, so big government sucking ticks, that they bought into this program, which probably tens of thousands will eventually default on, costing the auto dealerships, millions of dollars. Some might claim that this is a "tax rebate" back to the American people, nope, it is taking taxes from one group of Americans, and giving welfare to another group of Americans. Anyone can get this, whether you pay taxes or not.
Cash for clunkers has to worry you about the sanity of the American people, the United States Congress, and the stake of the American Capitalistic society. As the American people appear to be more like drug/money seeking addicts, instead of actually saving your money, or actually making the full payments, yourself. As the United States Congress takes the role of the enabler of bad habits, instead of the guardian of Freedom, as intended. As the Capitalistic society appears to be endangered by stupidity, instead of being the opposition against stupidity.
In conclusion, we can learn a lot about the American people, and how the health care system would dramatically bankrupt the United States citizens & government, as we have learned yet again, the government cannot run a business, only run a businesses into the ground.
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Mets GM Omar Minaya Must Be Fired
No positions filled, no injury back ups, no pitchers, no new outfielders for needed positions. For some teams, like the Yankees, a trade was not necessary this year. They're good enough to win their division, or the wild card. Meanwhile, across town Omar Minaya did not address the Mets' desperate need for a first baseman, outfielder, middle reliever, or starter. My God, man, what were you waiting for?
Such utter incompetency alone is case enough to fire a GM, but worse, Minaya has burned himself on Tony Bernazard going down in flames. Instead of investigating the situation before the Mets became a national disgrace, he waited until the story broke in the Daily News. Then Minaya waited to fire Bernazard for no apparent reason.
But the crowning achievement of Minaya's inability to handle the situation came when he accused News reporter Adam Rubin of intentionally chasing Bernazard out of the organization for his own career. This led to Jeff Wilpon, the son of Mets' owner Fred Wilpon, to quip that Omar is "This close to being out of baseball."
Well, Mr. Wilpon, have at it. He's failed the fans, he's failed the players, and he's failed you. Show him the door.
Oh, and don't forget the previous two years of the Mets collapsing at the end. Good bye, Omar, best wishes.
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Is Senator Dodd worthy?
So, I now have this question - under the Obama health care package, millions of men will be asked the same thing as the title of this article asks, "are you worthy", "how long will it take to see a doctor?", "how long will it take to see a cancer specialist?", "how long will it take to schedule the surgery", "will you even get the surgery, pending on past health, age, etc.?". In America, its close to 80-90% of all men who have prostate cancer, survive, in Great Britain, it is at or under 50%.
So I ask yet again, under an Obama system, would Senator Dodd be worthy of this surgery? This should be a testament of how great the American health care system, really is.
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Will the Republican party learn in New York?
Now comes the exciting part, the selection of candidates for the congressional run. The Republicans have made a horrible mistake by selecting a far-left liberal Republican, who has agitated the base in the 23rd congressional district, has pissed off the all important Conservative party, and even has been supported by an ACORN affiliated group in the state. The Democrats main candidate has backed out, leaving them with pretty much no shot at winning. The Conservative party does not want to support the GOP candidate, as she is to liberal, however they are looking at fielding their own candidate, a Conservative Republican who lost to the Republican candidate during the selection process.
The Conservative party is looking at things this way : the candidates are not going to be official, until McHugh officially resigns his seat as Congressman, so the Republican party could still change their candidate at anytime, the Conservatives are leaning towards putting up a Conservative Republican in businessman Doug Hoffman, who can to a point self-fund his campaign, and attempt to rally the GOP in the 23rd congressional district to the more Conservative candidate.
If not, a brutal election could be upcoming in the 23rd congressional district, where it might be possible for the Conservative party to actually win this election, considering Republicans are not pleased with Assemblywoman Scozzafava as the GOP nominee, and the Democrats are looking at recycled trash in candidates, who have lost one in congressional races already.
I hope that the GOP & CPNYS come together and select the Conservative candidate, as that is what we need in Washington D.C. & representing the citizens of New York, so will the Republican party learn, or will a tough election be upcoming, I hope for the former.
Conservative & Republicans need to work together, especially when the Conservatives are the Republicans, such as myself, or else we will always lose out in the end.
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Quote of the Day
-- Kim Jong-Il
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Thursday, July 30, 2009
Good Job, Idiots: Cash for Clunkers Suspended
So when Congress does something good, they find a way to screw it up. From Yahoo:
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The government plans to suspend its popular "cash for clunkers" program amid concerns it could quickly use up the $1 billion in rebates for new car purchases, congressional officials said Thursday.
The Transportation Department called lawmakers' offices to alert them to the decision to suspend the program at midnight Thursday. The program offers owners of old cars and trucks $3,500 or $4,500 toward a new, more fuel-efficient vehicle.
The congressional officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.
A White House official said later that officials were assessing the situation facing the popular program but auto dealers and consumers should have confidence that transactions under the program that already have taken place would be honored.
Rae Tyson, a spokesman for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, which administers the program, declined comment.
Congress last month approved the Car Allowance Rebate System program, known as CARS, to boost auto sales and remove some inefficient cars and trucks from the roads. The program kicked off last Friday and was heavily publicized by car companies and auto dealers.
Through late Wednesday, 22,782 vehicles had been purchased through the program and nearly $96 million had been spent. But dealers raised concerns about large backlogs in the processing of the deals in the government system, prompting the suspension.
A survey of 2,000 dealers by the National Automobile Dealers Association found about 25,000 deals had not yet been approved by NHTSA, or nearly 13 trades per store. It raised concerns that with about 23,000 dealers taking part in the program, auto dealers may already have surpassed the 250,000 vehicle sales funded by the $1 billion program.
"There's a significant backlog of 'cash for clunkers' deals that make us question how much funding is still available in the program," said Bailey Wood, a spokesman for the dealers association.
The clunkers program was set up to boost U.S. auto sales and help struggling automakers through the worst sales slump in more than a quarter-century. Sales for the first half of the year were down 35 percent from the same period in 2008, and analysts are predicting only a modest recovery during the second half of the year.
So far this year, sales are running under an annual rate of 10 million light vehicles, but as recently as 2007, automakers sold more than 16 million cars and light trucks in the United States.
Even before the suspension, some in Congress were seeking more money for the auto sales stimulus. Rep. Candice Miller, R-Mich., wrote in a letter to House leaders on Wednesday requesting additional funding for the program.
"This is simply the most stimulative $1 billion the federal government has spent during the entire economic downturn," Miller said Thursday. "The federal government must come up with more money, immediately, to keep this program going."
Brendan Daly, a spokesman for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said they would work with "the congressional sponsors and the administration to quickly review the results of the initiative."
General Motors Co. spokesman Greg Martin said Thursday the automaker hopes "there's a will and way to keep the CARS program going a little bit longer."
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Dear Senator Lieberman.
I believe we have a shot with Senator Lieberman, lets execute our first amendment rights, and give representatives in our United States Congress, pure and unedited HELL.
"Dear Senator Joe Lieberman,
I am a concerned American in regards to the current health care reform bills in the United States House of Representatives & the United States Senate. I am 100% opposed to all government run, government involved or government controlled health care in America, the Democrats plans would do all three combined. I am opposed to the suggestion that health care is a "right", that is a downright lie, it is a consumer responsability to be able to afford it, to make payments, etc.
I am also opposed to the anti-Capitalistic features inside the bills, the horrible economic results which will result from these pieces of legislation, the government forced rationing on patients & doctors this will force, and the government order of "join or be taxed". My list of opposition's to these bills is endless, especially when it comes to the largest expansion of abortions & funding for abortions in American history.
As you can tell, I am a devout Conservative, who agrees with you on issues mainly concerning National Security, however this issue is to important, to not email Senators in the United States, with my first amendment guarantee of freedom of speech.
Senator Lieberman, I have heard & read your past stances when it comes to health care, it appears you favor TORT reform and various other Conservative proposals when it comes to health care, and from a recent comment - it appears to don't buy the need or notion for a "government run, public option".
I plead as a fellow American, please oppose the Democrat plan, please oppose the continued assault on Capitalism & the free markers, please stand against the ongoing big government socialistic attempts to takeover & destroy the greatest health care system in the world.
God Bless, Tim K., New York."
Senator Lieberman's email contact -
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Republican candidates winning big time in Governor elections.
New Jersey : the former Republican federal attorney general in the state of New Jersey, Chris Christie, is leading Democrat Governor Corzine by a whopping 14 percentage points, with under 14 weeks to election day 2009. Possibly returning the state back into Republican control, for the first time in over a decade.
This is great news for the Republican party, and considering both are very strong fiscal Conservatives (and Mr.McDonnell is a strong Conservative in all areas), it just proves something - strong Conservatism wins, especially fiscal Conservatism during this very fiscally reckless time in Washington D.C, great news for Republicans & Conservatives across the Nation, and even better for the residents in Virginia & New Jersey.
McDonnell leading Deeds -
Christie leading Corzine -
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The 5 steps for the GOP to win in 2010.
1. Be Conservative, keep to your principles in all legislation, It does not matter if someone claims this is a "crisis", because when you abandon your principles just to get something done, the only one that ends of hurting, are the American people.
2. Capitalism is the foundation of America. The only way for American to succeed, is to have unlimited Capitalism, in that I mean - 100% zero involvement from the government, we need the system back to where it started - run by the people, for the people, and for the people in the system of economics.
3. Americans do not like big government, we need to shrink the number of departments in the Executive branch, we need to massively shrink the government work force, we need to put forth term limits on Congress, as well as already on the President of the United States.
4. No working across the aisle. Principles are all that matter, and compromise erodes those principles of Conservatism which has made America great, for the principles of liberalism, which are making America a gutter.
5. One problem that has haunted the Republican party, is the addiction between black & hispanic voters to the Democrat party, it is rather simple how to solve this - stop playing race politics, and just tell the American people what you believe, tout GOP leaders in the black & hispanic circles, tout our Conservative principles, and explain the negative effects of liberal policy.
Well, that's my opinion, if you don't like it, I could care less. If you do like it, God Bless.
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A review of Common Sense.
The book is a good buy, some of the things that Congress has done, will make you pissed off, some of the congressional districts featured - are so gerrymandered, it is not funny, and some of the anti-Constitution positions liberals have taken, are just saddening. While Glenn Beck does go after the Republican party, I feel he succumbs to the grouping of Americans that he is always yelling about - trying to claim that all Republicans are progressive, big government hacks, who never follow the Constitution - I severely disagree.
Overall : 4/5 Stars.
Message : 5/5 Stars.
I suggest that all who are thirsting Common Sense, purchase a copy of Glenn's new book.
Other books :
Censorship - Brian Jennings.
Do-Gooders - Mona Charen.
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Quote of the Day
-- Zombie Joe
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Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Mr. K's Letter to the Editor
Some think wars are a mistake, I believe that to be a fallacy; some think the Iraqi & Afghanistan wars have been a mistake, I believe that to be an insult towards America, our soldiers, and Freedom itself. Many have forgotten why we go into war, as the politics of the Democrat party have eroded the reasoning & the reasons. However I believe most know the reasons:
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Will California have the brains in 2010?
Sadly, the problem still remains.
Even though over 66% of California voters voted against massive tax increases, they keep electing "big government, tax & spend, illegal pandering" liberals into office every election cycle, so my question is this -the people of California have made several great stances as of late on economic issues, on illegal immigration, traditional marriage, will the people of California remember these stances next election cycle? Or, will they continue their addictive drug/government seeking habits?
I hope California wakes up. The high taxes, the illegals, the massive waste of taxpayer money, the sickening hatred of the peoples vote, has led to hundreds of thousands of California residents moving to other states (I have noticed that the states they have gone to, are becoming more liberal, and thus taxes are on the table - do these people learn?).
Will the people (still in, and out of California) wake up anytime soon to economic reality, in such ways as to elect a fiscally Conservative Republican into office in 2010 in the Governors house, and perhaps a decent Senator, instead of Senator Boxer - who has downright hatred for capitalism, freedom of opinion, etc.
Or, will the people act like their normal voting selves - whine, complain, yell, then vote for the idiots again, and again.
Hell, even the people of New Jersey seem to be waking up, however we are well warned - some voters in various states, are obsessed with the Democrat big government teet.
Brief report on state of New Jersey Governor's election -
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Case Closed Opening #1
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Why I hate liberals.
Well, a liberal has also written a letter to the editor, which she takes my high value of a troops life for freedom, and turns it around into a liberal rant about how the oil companies are rich because of Iraq (huh?), and how we need to "bring the troops home", and spread some liberal propaganda book.
That is why I hate liberals.
I write a passionate, very Conservative letter to my local newspaper, and some liberal turns around and throws her damn media matters talking points liberal bullcrap right in my face, she even mentioned my damn name, while making her damn liberal points.
That is why I hate liberals.
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JiP Makes Snopes...Again!
Good work, Matt. Joe would be proud, God rest his soul.
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Quote of the Day
-- The Simpsons
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Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Obama continues to oppose Honduras.
The entire world has been against the actions of which Honduras took, even after we learned that the dictator wannabe had his own results of the illegal vote on changing the Constitution he was pushing (before the voting was even suppose to take place), that vote by the way, which never took place, is illegal according to the Honduras Constitution.
While Conservatives have stood strong with the new Honduras government (a member of the former dictator's own political party, who legally followed the line of succession as per the Constitution), including Senator Jim DeMint from South Carolina, Obama and world leaders have stood with the dictator, for some unknown reason. Obama is just being consistent as an anti-freedom, American commander-in-chief, doesn't that just seem wrong, especially in this Nation which has historically & presently supported freedom?
Well Obama has took another step against freedom, by now having the state department revoke the visas of four Honduran officials working in the new (new as in new President, not as in new Constitution, military coup, etc.) government, once again standing against the Honduras Military, Honduras Congress, Honduras people, Honduras Supreme Court, the Honduras Constitution, the system of a Republic, the factor of Democracy, and is standing for a dictator wannabe.
What has happened to America?
- report -
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The Senate news report - July 28th, 2009.
The Senate Judiciary Committee has approved the confirmation of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, by a mainly party-line vote of 13-6(Senator Graham of South Carolina being the only Republican to vote for Sotomayor), the leftist judge is expected to win approval from the full Senate within the next few weeks, long time second-amendment supporters are under threat from the National Rifle Association that a vote for Sotomayor, will count in their all important NRA rating.
Senator George Voinovich, Republican from the Buckeye state, has stated that Southern Republicans such as Jim DeMint and Tom Coburn is what is wrong with the Republican party, saying that the GOP being focused in the South is a bad idea...and how those values don't necessary line up with the values of Ohio - so low taxes, pro-second amendment, pro-national security values are not for all Republicans in the South & Ohio? Voinovich is retiring, and a battle is expected for the seat.
The Republican party should breathe a large sigh of relief, as Senator Bunning is going to retire, and not pursue another term as Senator from Kentucky. Senator Bunning was touted as the most vulnerable Republican in the Senate, not because of ideology, but because he is not well liked. The Secretary of State, Trey Grayson, is expected to be the GOP nominee.
Other news :
Senator Christopher Dodd is expected to take another downturn in the polls, after it was reported that he was 100% aware of special treatment when it come to a mortgage for his home, we all knew this from the beginning, now no-one can deny it. Senator Conrad also received a sweet-heart mortgage deal.
Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell is liked 2% more then Democrat leader Harry Reid, and hated 18% less, according to a Rasmussen Reports poll released earlier today.
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Zodiac Killer Mystery Solved After 40 Years
Kerry Hamilton
SAN FRANCISCO-- San Francisco was caught in the grips of one of the most deadly and most elusive serial killers of the twentieth century. For two years the city was held hostage as at least five victims were murdered.
The killer evaded the law and taunted both the press and potential victims by disseminating coded messages indicating if he would strike again. One of his notes was not even deciphered. The murderer referred to himself as "Zodiac", a label which has stuck for over forty years.
San Francisco Police re-opened the case in 2007 after a seemingly futile search for the killer. Leads pointed to one potential suspect, Arthur Leigh Allen, but DNA evidence appeared to clear him.
In 2008 new evidence began to pour into the California State Police. However, it came from an incredible source. Franklin Howard, of Modesto, California, died in 2008 at the age of 91. Howard donated his entire estate to the California Historical Society due to the fact that he had no children. When the curators at a museum in Sacramento were going through the gifts, it became clear that Howard had a close relationship with another California native, former President Richard Nixon.
Some of the items given to the Historical Society include a folder from Nixon, including personal letters to Howard and his wife Beatrice. Also in the folder were sketches of symbols which were eerily close to those found in the Zodiac case.
Thinking that this was conspicuous, the Historical Society handed the folder to California State Police, which ran a handwriting analysis. Ink depression and pauses appeared to be very similar. In addition, Nixon's letters carried similar grammatical patterns and mistakes as the Zodiac.
Seeking further information, DNA from the Zodiac letters was reexamined. The DNA on the letters were not a match to Nixon's, although more advanced methods pointed to evidence that the letters had canine DNA. It was then speculated that Nixon had his beloved dog Checkers lick the letters shut.
Evidence has piled in on how Nixon was increasingly upset because of his 1962 loss in the California gubernatorial race against Pat Brown. The 5% loss came as a shock to Nixon, who almost clinched the Presidency in 1960 against John Kennedy.
Nixon became despondent over his loss and confidants have stated that Nixon blamed his loss on the "damn hippies." He was particularly resentful towards people in liberal San Francisco, which heavily supported Brown.
The ways that the killings in 1968-1969 were carried out have strongly suggested that the murderer had received military training. In particular, the method of silent assassination with a sidearm was only taught in the United States Navy, which Nixon served in during the Second World War.
Other evidence against Nixon was that on the days that the murders had taken place, he was always within 60 miles of San Francisco. This included in 1969, when he was already President. During each of those nights, recordings of the President are noticeably silent.
Nixon once mentioned the Zodiac killer in his 1968 campaign, stating that if he were elected, "Crime would shake in their boots, as Richard Nixon will have none of it."
Motives for the crime have been debated. One includes anger over the loss in 1962. Another points to Nixon wanting to show that crime was increasing in the late 1960s and how he was the 'law and order' candidate. There is also evidence that Nixon went to school with one of the victims.
The Nixon Estate has not made a formal announcement about these findings, and appears unlikely to do so.
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Fall Out Boy: Misheard Lyrics
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Monday, July 27, 2009
Seth McFarlane is A Total Coward
That's why the primary audience for the show lies in the 13-17 year old boys who can't wait for a vain attempt at sexual innuendo while watching Adult Swim on Cartoon Network. Middle schools are abuzz with pimply-faced kids with braces uttering: "Stewie said 'boobs.'"
Meanwhile, everyone in the post-virgin world takes one look at the abomination airing on Fox and states, man that show was once the bomb. Now all that's left of the Family Guy empire are the same jokes repeated through the same format.
And of course, even if the show's not funny, it could get points for being innovative or 'on the edge.' Sure, to a lot of 14 year-olds, jokes about a condom is rocking, but most of the attempts at pushing the envelope fall flat.
Take Seth McFarlane's attempts to 'be unique, like everyone else.' In one episode, he tries to shock the world by having Quahog legalize gay marriage. Wow-- supporting a movement that is rapidly growing in support! McFarlane is so edgy! Making fun of George W. Bush? No one, I mean no one, has done that before! I can't wait to buy the unedited version of the DVDs he's hacking!
Take the latest attempt to be 'controversial.' Family Guy was supposed to air an episode about abortion, but Fox is giving hell about it. What's so controversial? Abortion is not a new issue-- maybe in 1972 it would have been, but today? The majority of Americans support abortion rights-- wow-- he's really kicking in the door on like, oh yeah, no one.
But of course it's stated that Family Guy is breaking taboos because it takes on Republican issues. If Family guy really wanted to be edgy, why not take on an issue that could get it banned or cause violence? Seriously.
South Park has mocked Christianity and Islam, Jesus and Mohammed, society, racism, and, yes, even Family Guy. It was edited on-air and broke barriers ten years ago. And it's funny. But Family Guy is talking about abortion? Heh. South Park almost causes a jihad againt Comedy Central for planning on picturing Mohammed during the Danish comics controversy. That's satire.
Seth, take it from me. You're not funny anymore. It's not 1999. Get over yourself.
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Olbermann: Why Did Bush Attack Us on 9/11?
Trenton Press
July 27, 2009
Keith Olbermann has built his post-ESPN career on making direct challenges to the Republican and conservative establishments, especially the former Bush Administration. Olbermann famously called for investigations into the Bush Administration for alleged corruption and torture.
However, in an interview with a-yet-undisclosed national magazine, Olbermann has crossed a line that seemingly few are willing to speak about.
Olbermann formally announced that he believed that former President Bush and Vice President Cheney should be placed on trial on warcrimes for his 'complicity' in the September 11, 2001 attacks.
"The real difference here is not whether Bush ordered the attacks." Olbermann stated, "But either he or Dick [Cheney] nodded their head to some man in black and immediately after the towers fell.
"I also realize that maybe the Bush regime intercepted intelligence and let the [attack] happen anyway. That's part of the same argument. If you know that it is going to happen and you let it happen, you are also complicit.
"And the worst part is that Bush's response was so transparant and lacking true emotion. Rather than ask what could have caused the attacks, he just beat the drums of war. 'We need to attack Afghanistan.' 'We need to torture innocent people.' 'We need to invade Iraq.' 'We need to keep Americans in a constant state of fear.' That in and of itself is far, far worse than the actual events in 2001."
Asked how long he believed in what is commonly called the '9/11 Truth' movement, Olbermann shifted. He stated that he did not believe in a broad categorization of what happened, but simply that he "opposed with all his being the criminal excesses."
Olbermann has achieved top ratings on the cable news channel MSNBC with his show Countdown, which premiered in 2003. Since then, Olbermann's show has grown in audience, despite being placed against FoxNews' O'Reilly Factor and Comedy Central's Daily Show.
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The end of Obama-nation is at hand.
The economy continues to point downward, especially when it comes to the unemployment rate - with the new numbers about to be released, how knows how many have lost their jobs, and what the rating is at - I can tell you this, it will continue to show an economy on the rot.
Obama's big massive socialist, government run, freedom destroyin' health care is dead in the water, as we learn more about the horrific nature of the plan, as we hear more Democrats leaving the big government health care bandwagon, and as Democrats even admit - without GOP support (which there is none), this measure will never pass.
Obama has stirred racial angst as we have not had in years, as he called the cops just following the law stupid, he played the race card, when in fact no race was involved, hell even black liberals are admitting Obama played this horrifically (Juan Williams), and a vast majority of Americans believed he handled this the wrong way.
Obama has made a fool of America in terms of National Security, as Clinton delves into a "defense umbrella" for the Middle East against Iran, striking fears amongst Israeli's that the United States might accept a nuclear Iran, to shutting down a news ticker of freedom & news from the United States in Cuba, to his never ending appeasing of the world.
I could go on, and on. Just let me lament on last subject - poll numbers, we all know that poll numbers constantly jump & flop, and who knows what else. However, Obama's poll numbers are falling in every poll (Rasmussen & Zogby have him under 50% approval), in a possible match up for the 2012 Presidential elections - Obama was tied with Gov. Romney, and beating Palin by a small margin.
Obamadom is over, let us rejoice, let the good fight continue against Obama.
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-- President Joe
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Sunday, July 26, 2009
Update: G-Force Sucks!
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Biden, Obama to have Gaffe-Off
The event, planned for August 15th, is to be located at Madison Square Garden in New York. The meeting is the first of its kind, and will feature old gaffes by the Administration mixed in with the new.
"It's sort of like boxing," said Press Secretary Robert Gibbs. "There will be a panel of judges, scoring how the participants do. There can be clean gaffes, counter-gaffes, and hay-gaffers.
"Counter-gaffes are where one competitor states a gaffe that he has made, and his opponent states a similar gaffe, but one with bigger or worse consequences. For example, if Joe Biden references when he asked a handicapped man to stand up, the President could counter that with his comment about bowling like an athlete in the Special Olympics, since they both deal with physical activities.
"It's a lot of fun," Gibbs concluded.
Strategies for the duel are unclear, but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had some ideas. "I really expect President Obama to hammer Joe early. A right with 'the officers who arrested Gates acted stupidly' and a quick left with 'if we pass the stimulus, unemployment will not rise above eight percent.'
"But, of course, I wouldn't count Joe out. I mean, he's great at making fun of Obama, like saying that 'Obama can't do anything without a teleprompter.' And if he's in trouble, he might drop the F-Bomb.
"I can't wait for this," said Pelosi. "I haven't been this excited since I made Joe's Babe of the Week."
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Saturday, July 25, 2009
Victory is the goal, what is Obama's?
Over the last 233 years, America has been involved in numerous wars with various Nations & with various forms of evil, presently we are at war with terrorists who are centralized in Afghanistan and in Iraq, although they is also fighting ongoing in Pakistan, and one wonders about possibly fighting in Yemen or African Nations where the enemy is becoming stronger.
Why do we fight? We fight for several reasons : 1.Because our Nation was attacked, 2.Because our Nation is going to be attacked, 3.To protect an ally or to stand along an ally during war, 4.To prevent our Nation or fellow Nations from being attacked, be launching pre-emptive attacks against the declared enemy, such as North Korea or Iran.
What are the goals in war? Obviously winning the war, or claiming "victory" is the highest goal of a war, also destroying the enemy that attacked you is another worthy goal, along with afterwards establishing freedom & alliance in/with that Nation, such as what we have done in Germany, Japan, Iraq, etc.
You do not fight a war to surrender, and you do not fight a war to cause stalemate, although that occurred a few times over the course of American history (the Korean war for those in Port St.Lucie, although you can claim we won that war, by preventing the spread of communism into South Korea). You fight wars, your men fight in war, for Victory over the enemy - and the 100% protection/spread of freedom?
At least, that was my impression of why we fight wars? And that was my impression of why Americans fight wars, to claim victory over a hostile enemy who has attacked us directly or indirectly, who is planning to attack us, has attacked our allies, or who is housing those that have attacked us. Confused? So am I.
So I must beg to ask, what are the Military goals of Barack Obama in Afghanistan & Iraq?
Are his goals of victory over the terrorist enemy, are his goals of freedom for those that were oppressed under the terrorist enemy, are his goals of co-existing with the dreadful enemy, or are his goals simple to surrender these wars at all costs, to suit his political operatives & haymakers?
Obama has declared he does not intend to fight for victory, freedom means very little to this man, he has already claimed there are "moderate" elements of the taliban scum, when in reality - all taliban are the sworn enemy of the United States (aka : there are not moderate elements of the talbian, a terrorist organization is a terrorist organization, we're there moderate elements of the Nazi army? NO!), and thus must be destroyed. Are his motives of fighting political charged? I believe so, look at Iraq - he could care less about the troops who are fighting there, or the freedoms we have won, the enemy we have defeated, or the threat we have squashed, his goal to leave Iraq as quick as possible?
Why? I ask.
Must would love the chance to declare their Nation is able to clam victory, yet that word has for some reason remained absent from the discussion of the Iraqi-Afghanistan wars.
How about Afghanistan? Obama clearly stated "victory" is a harmful word, and is not the goal of the United States Military? I beg to differ, as victory is the only goal in Afghanistan among the Military - you fight for victory, to defeat the enemy, and the word victory is not a harmful or evil word as Obama acts like it is, it is a word of accomplishment, and shows how great one Nation of Freedom really is.
I know what the goals of the Military are in Afghanistan & Iraq, the United States Military knows what their goals are in Afghanistan & Iraq, however what are the goals of Obama, if they are not victory and all that entails with victory?
That my friends, is the real question.
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Obama Reads Wikipedia, Shocked to Learn he is Part Klingon, Not Born in United States
WASHINGTON- In a surprise turn of events, during a coffee break on Friday evening, President Obama was able to access Wikipedia from his office terminal.
The President, who officially "just wanted to check out some interesting stuff, it wasn't like I was slacking," was shocked when he read the "Barack Obama" article. The President, who totally had never gone to Wikipedia before on company time, was taken aback by the facts he read on the website.
"I couldn't believe it," the President said in an email. "The first sentences were right on. I'm the 44th President, my wife's name is Michelle, and I'm stunningly handsome. But as I read on, the page began to teach me things I never knew before.
"For example, do you know that I wasn't born in the United States? I always thought I was, what with my birth certificate, mother, doctors, and professionals backing up the story and all, but no, I was born in the Ukraine.
"And another thing, do you know I'm one/sixteenth Klingon? I didn't even think they were real."
The President plans to take drastic steps to ensure Americans become aware of these facts. The Commander in Chief plans to resign the Presidency some time in the future, now knowing that he is not a natural born citizen. He also plans to scream "KHAN!!!" for the next few days.
"Get this," the President continued, "my Vice President is someone named Barret and my opponent in the 2008 election was some cat named Sephiroth.
"Seriously, I don't know how I won," the President conceded. "Do you know he fucking blew up my home town of Nibelheim? Goddamn, man."
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Quote of the Day
-- Dr. Turk, Scrubs
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Friday, July 24, 2009
A Major Chance to Stop Abortions in Ohio
Conservative Republican state representative John Adams from Ohio is proposing legislation in the state that could rattle the earth of pro-abortion zealots, and give some comfort to pro-life advocates across the Nation & State. The legislation would require for all women attempting to "abort/murder" their unborn child, to get written approval from the father of the child.
This bill would also enact harsh fines on those that do not follow this law.
Considering American men are far more pro-life then their female counterparts, and if this legislation can save at least one unborn child from death by selfishness, this legislation should 100% be put forth. For once, if this legislation passes, the fathers of America will have the chance to stand up for their unborn children - hopefully the first step towards outlawing abortion altogether.
Great news for America, and hopefully for the next generation of Americans saved by this legislation, if this legislation passes, and if America's fathers are as pro-life as I hope they are.
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Obama: Um, Maybe We Don't Need to Win in Afghanistan
The current President has made a good move by sending more troops to the country, but has mysteriously failed to garner widespread international support for more troops-- considering how everyone now loves America again.
The President is afraid that violence will rise and the American public will see him as escalating the war. If he sets expectations low and blames everything on Bush now, he may receive a pass if things don't go as well.
His strategy might work, but how will that work for morale. Is it really so great for forces on the ground if their Commander in Chief says that there's a substantial chance that under his watch you will not "win" the war.
The President is attempting a "nuanced" view on the matter, but take a look at the subject:
"I'm always worried about using the word 'victory,' because, you know, it invokes this notion of Emperor Hirohito coming down and signing a surrender to MacArthur," Obama told ABC News.
I'd bet a clean $50 that he didn't know about the details of the surrender ceremony on the USS Missouri. Must'a been Rahm Emanuel's doing. Maybe that's the problem to begin with. We have a President who doesn't know much about foreign policy, but thinks he does. What he does think is often in the "post-America" model.
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Senator Boxer in trouble.
Well, along came Rasmussen Reports with a brand new poll on the state of the election in California next year, where anyone who proposes big taxes or big welfare for illegals will probably be shot on stage, doesn't matter which party. Well, Madam Senator Boxer is leading Republican CEO Carly Fiorina by just 4 percentage points, with only 45% support overall, in short - she is leading a candidate who has not even declared her intention to run.
Is this sign of things to come next election cycle? I hope so, however I just don't know. Liberals across America are showing horrible polling numbers in Connecticut, California, Illinois, Nevada, and various other states as well. I hope we can win all four seats, I hope we get 4 great Conservatives such as Senator DeMint in all four seats, however I just don't know.
The election cycle is going to be fun.
Rasmussen poll -
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Look-Alike of the Day
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Song of Solomon Summary
The main character, Macon "Milkman" Dead III, derives his nickname from the fact that he was breastfed for far too long. A passing neighbor happens to see him through the window being breastfed by his mother. He is so tall by now his feet are "touching the floor" (one of his legs is a half inch shorter than the other). He quickly gains a reputation for being a "Mommy's boy" - this is in direct contrast to his best friend, Guitar.
Milkman has two sisters, "First Corinthians" and "Magdelene called Lena". The daughters of the family are named by putting a pin in the Bible; the males are named after their father. The name Macon Dead was the result of an administrative error when Milkman's grandfather had to register subsequent the end of slavery.
Milkman's mother (Ruth) is the Doctor's daughter; she tends to make her husband feel inadequate, and it is clear she idolized her father. After her father dies, her husband claims to have found her in bed with the dead body, sucking his fingers. Ruth later tells Milkman that she was kneeling at her father's bedside kissing the only part of him that remained unaffected by the illness from which he died. Macon is often violent and aggressive towards her out of frustration when she acts helpless, because he has worked hard to get to where he is, whereas Ruth has always been "daddy's little girl." However, on one occasion, Milkman punches his father after he strikes their mother.
In contrast, Macon Dead Jr.'s sister, Pilate, is seen as nurturing—an Earth Mother type of character. Born without a navel, she is somewhat of a mystical character. It is strongly implied that she is Divine—a female Christ (her name is ironic). Macon has not spoken to his sister for years and did not think highly of her. She, like Macon, has had to fend for herself from an early age, but she has dealt with her past in a different way. She has one daughter, Reba, and a granddaughter named Hagar. Hagar falls desperately in love with Milkman, and is unable to cope with his rejection. Guitar, Milkman's erstwhile best friend, tries to kill Milkman more than once after incorrectly suspecting he has of cheated him out of hidden gold.
The novel ends on a poignant and ambiguous note: after resolving to confront Guitar, Milkman finally learns to fly.
This summary was taken from Wikipedia.
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Quote of the Day
--Cousin Eddy
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Thursday, July 23, 2009
Michigan is trying for 20% unemployment, I know it.
Let me quickly break down the cost of big government, socialistic demands on wages currently in Michigan, and then under the proposal now being weighted, under my situation of 40 employees all being paid minimum wage, and working 32 hours a week :
$7.40 per hour x 40 employees x 32 hours a week x 52 weeks a year = $492,544 dollars a year.
$10.00 per hour x 40 employees x 32 hours a week x 52 weeks a year = $665,600 dollars a year.
Added cost = $173,056 dollars in extra cost to that business.
More employees fired, less hours if retained, higher costs to purchase products, and increased cost of products. While most business does not rely on minimum wage as a wage line, a lot to depend on it for many sectors of their business, and places of business that deals with youth or young adults also deal with it as well, and costs will be up.
We cut taxes & costs during tough times, not increase them.
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Joe in History, Part IX

And thanks to Google Image Search!
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New Hampshire Congresswoman just lost her re-election.
Obviously you can tell we have a great chance of winning in the first congressional district in New Hampshire just by these early reports.
Well, added by Shea-Porter claiming that the stimulus has improved the number of jobs in New Hampshire (the state has lost 16,000 during the recession, with the stimulus have zero effect), Shea-Porter has perhaps sealed her election loss by a new idiotic comment.
"I just wanted to make a couple of comments. I heard one of my colleagues say ‘waiting in line,’ that people would be waiting in line for medical care. I would like to say that many of my constituents would love to wait in line for medical care,” Shea-Porter stated. “They are yanked out of line because they don’t have coverage.”
1.All Americans are treated, you are never denied treatment if you do not have health care coverage, I should know - I have no health care, and I am always accepted right in the doctors office, the hospitals, etc.
2.We are Americans with the greatest health care system in the world, where we are treated within 40 minutes, why should we wait 8.5 weeks like in Great Britain? When we would be waiting 40 minutes with Capitalism?
I 100% demand that the Republican party in New Hampshire use this quote, and plaster it on every newspaper, radio station, website, television advertisement, whatever the hell they can. We can beat her, all Conservatives, all Republicans, hell, even all Americans no matter what party should be dedicated to defeating Shea-Porter, because not only is she a liberal hack, she wants to destroy the greatest health care in the world - and reduce us to waiting in long lines for treatment.....................when we wait 40 minutes now.
Wow, just wow.
- Story on Shea-Porter,
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The insanity never ends.
Obama proposes destroying the greatest health care system in the world, taxing American's (wealthy and not wealthy) to death, costing business owners billions of dollars, will lead to many workers being layed off/fired, the lost of Freedom, the end of Capitalism, and the complete beginning of the end for America. 40% of the country loves him.
Am I missing something?
Did I enter the Twilight zone while sleeping last night? I thought that solutions to end problems was the best answer for everyone, instead of a nightmare to replace the greatest health care system in the world, where anyone gets treated - with or without health insurance, I have no insurance, I still get the best medical treatment in the world, because I am an American.
The health care system is not perfect, but it is the greatest in the world. All Americans have access to it, no-one can be denied treatment, as that is against the law - and the hippocratic oath of the doctor. Regardless of what Senator Cardin says, the costs are not put on the backs of other Americans, you pay your own bill - whether it be right then and there, or over a course of time - I know from experience, the doctors & hospitals will work with you.
Then there is the part of Freedom in this debate, which so few have brought up. The Constitution defines a certain number of actions the federal government can do, this is not one of them. The Constitutional amendments also define a right to privacy, and the government running your health care violates that. Lets also look at it this way - this destroys Capitalism, actually it bans Capitalism in the private market, this destroys consumer choice, this destroys the right to not want health insurance, and this destroys what has made America great.
When it comes to any form of legislation, or any basis of an issue - I always begin my opposition or support based on one beginning principle, the principle changes for various issues & the legislation which follows, when it comes to health care - I have the choice & the Freedom in a Capitalistic Nation & as an American to either have, or not to have health insurance, and the government has no right to be involved, let alone force me or tax me to do other wise.
When we really look at it, there is no need for health insurance overhaul, and if we make reforms, howabout we do reforms which will strengthen the Private options, and hopefully destroy the public options (medicaid & medicare).
God Bless America, God Bless Capitalism.
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