Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Predictions Of October 29, 2008

Well, the election season is just about done and it looks like the electorate is about where it will be on November 4th.
First, some disclosure: I am a McCain supporter, so my predictions may be skewed. Keep it in mind.
These predictions take into account current variables and do not reflect any major changes happening between now and next Tuesday.

I don't see any major momentum shifts left for either side. Obama's been hurt slightly by the socialism flap, but it has not transformed the race. With McCain in Pennsylvania and having Obama follow him, McCain may pick up a few more votes in states like New Mexico and Iowa, but probably not enough to make a difference.

So, as I see it now (and I'll probably add a couple of more in the coming days:

NATIONAL: Obama 49.6%, McCain 47.1%, Barr 1.0%, Nader 0.9%, McKinney .9%, other .6%
New Hampshire: Obama 50.2%, McCain 49.1%
Pennsylvania: Obama 51.3%, McCain 47.9
Iowa: Obama 53%, McCain 45.9% (flip)
New Mexico: Obama 50.4%, McCain 48.4% (flip)
Ohio: McCain 49.6%, Obama 49.3%
North Carolina: McCain 54.3%, Obama 45.5%
Florida: McCain 50.5%, Obama 48.4%
Virginia: McCain 50.1%, Obama 48.9%
Colorado: Obama 52.5%, McCain 46.5% (flip)
Indiana: McCain 54.3%, Obama 45.4

I guess we'll see if these pan out, but it appears that Obama will win by a smidgen if all of the other states stay the same.
Still, if you support McCain and want to avoid this, VOTE!

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