I know that Barack Obama hasn't even taken office yet, but I need to make sure that I get something off of my chest.
Barack Obama is already the greatest President in United States history.
Think I'm crazy? Read these reasons why and you'll agree that I'm right.
* It took Abraham Lincoln two years to free the slaves. Obama is already freeing all of our minds. Which is a greater accomplishment.
*Lincoln and Roosevelt had the Civil War and WWII drag on for four years. Obama hasn't even taken office and the Iraq War is ending. Not to mention the fact that Iran will soon become our strongest ally.
*Obama has declared himself a transformational figure. There is no domestic opposition to him or his policies.
*Obama already has a holiday after himself.
*Obama is also a religious figure, doubling his potential power.
*The recession is over and peace and prosperity has come to the land.
*Obama is already freeing all of our minds.
Evidently, he’ll have to work a little longer on opening yours.
*Obama has declared himself a transformational figure.
Your link leads back to your own blog. Where and when did Obama declare himself a transformational figure?
*Obama already has [named?] a holiday after himself.
No he hasn't. “The holiday drive is the brainchild of local activist Sonny Scroggins”
*Obama is also a religious figure, doubling his potential power.
To whom?
Wow! I didn't know this!
What happened to the crochet lady??
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