Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Senate Conservatives Fund endorses the candidates.

Conservatives in the Republican Party are to welcoming to endorse any Republican who can win the seat, instead of slowing down - and finding the most Conservative candidate of principle which can win the seat. The Senate Conservatives Fund as founded by Senator Jim Demint has launched as a GOP Conservative fund/PAC to support Republican Conservatives in the primary season against fellow Republicans and in general election against democrats.

For a Conservative like me, this is heaven............................

The SCF has made a few endorsements over the past few weeks :
Oklahoma - Senator Tom Coburn.
Pennsylvania GOP primary - Congressman Pat Toomey.
Florida GOP primary - former Florida House speaker Marco Rubio.

I have supported these three candidates for months, its nice to have an organization that believes the way I do as well as with fellow Conservatives, please check out the website at www.senateconservatives.com

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