Barack Obama will be the next President.
I could blame the election on Obama supporters. I could blame John McCain. I could blame Barack Obama, but I will not. No, the fault lies with McCain supporters in battleground states that sat on their hands. The election is lost with these people.
Why do I say this? How did I come to this conclusion? Simple. Look at Georgia. The voters their defied the polls and voted for McCain overwhelmingly. The other states were quite underwhelming. Obama supporters did what they were supposed to; they went out and voted. Silent McCain supports, other than the ones with circumstances they couldn't help, lost the election for John McCain.
My family and I all voted for McCain in the incredibly blue state of New York. We were counted. Georgian voters were counted. Were you?
However, despite my fear of Obama and his clearly poor judgement, he will be my President. I cannot disavow my love and pride in this country. Barack Obama will be my President.
The fault lies with conservatives who did not support one of their own. If the contest had been between Obama and Mike Huckabee, the socialist would not have won by a long shot.
I agree. McCain was betrayed by his own as much as Hillary was. He got 10 million votes than Bush in 2004. See my take of it
You're not deep enough. Conservatives lost because they've been acting like Democrats for 10 years. Now begins the long tedious task of kicking all their lazy asses out of congress so we can get some real conservative representation.
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