President-Elect Barack Obama is speaking right now. On January 20, 2009, he will become our nation's 44th President. It is important that Americans stand together. We are in times of trouble and turmoil and need to be united against our common problems.
Obama will be my President and if we should face crises, he will be my President then. I may disagree with him, but he will be protecting my nation. It is my duty to give him the benefit of the doubt as he comes into office.
It is my sincerest hope that our economy improves, dictatorship is turned back, and freedom rings across the world as it has in America tonight.
Unity? Is this like the unity extended by the Democrats the last 8-years?
We have written and fought against a hardcore Socialist so I don't think "unity" is in the cards.
Taking back the GOP and reestablishing Conservative roots is the only unity I can think of.
Opposing and fighting against the Socialist ideals the future holds in a Government the Founding Fathers did not envision for this land is the least we can do to preserve our freedom and liberty.
Fighting for the US Constitution doesn't mean we unify with an enemy to that Constitution, it means we fight like hell to keep it and all it stands for intact.
Obama wants change and the fools will receive more than they bargained for because they didn't pay attention.
Caveat Emptor America. Buyer's remorse is not far behind.
Speak for yourself please. He is not my President. He is a racist anti-american puppet. Enjoy your welfare knowing many employers will be gone before the crisis.
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