It's official. The most pro-American nation in Europe has joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Albania and Croatia have both joined in official alliance with the United States. After the savage attacks of September 11, 2001, Albania came swiftly to aid their American friends. They deployed troops to both Afghanistan and Iraq, and work to save innocent lives in Darfur. They are planning to stay in Iraq as long as we are and have recently upped their commitment.
Several years ago, the Muslim nation of Albania gave President Bush a loving welcome, bringing thanks, posters, and American flags to the streets of Tirana. Our friendship is close. Woodrow Wilson saved the small state from being carved up after World War One. President Clinton saved Kosovo from Serbian genocide. President Bush founded a strong relationship and was instrumental in the independence of Kosovo.
Welcome aboud, Albania. We look forward to years of partnership in the struggle against terrorism, dictatorship, and tyranny. We already know you're up to the task.
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Serbian genocide? Are you trying to piss me off! It was not Serbian genocide! Kosovo muslim scum attacked Serbians in Kosovo and forced 200,000 out of Serbias land! Then Serbia was attacked for defending itself in a war that the USA had no reason to be involved in.
I like what you have written, but just wanted to point out that Albania is not a Muslim nation. That's just a misconception. Over 90% of the population in Albania does not practice a religion - they simply respect every major religion that exists there, and celebrate all of them on every special occasion/day.
Ps: I'm Albanian, so I just had to comment on that. :)
Editor in Chief, calm down. Serbia began suppressing Albanian Kosovars as soon as Yugoslavia broke up. They then attacked Slovenia, Croatia, Vojvodina, and Bosnia-Hercegovina. Macedonia got away unscathed only because the Serbs were to busy slaughtering elsewhere and NATO put troops on alert on the Greek border just in case. After failing miserably at maintaining their former dominance in these areas, Milosevic began his nationalistic rants about Kosova being the heart of Serbia. When the police thugs took things too far, the Kosovar Albanians rebeled. Serbs responded with excessive violence and began to ethnically cleanse the province. NATO stopped them because they felt guilty for not stopping them earlier at Srebrenica. Serbia should beg forgivness from all it's neighbors, pay reparations, and formally recognize Kosova's independence.
Serbia gambled and lost. Russia can't help and really doesn't want to. Instead of wasting their energy on re-writing history, why don't they go try to talk some sense into their insane kin in Republika Srpska. They should walk the streets of Sarajevo and hang their head in shame for the behavior of their government and Army they so proudly support.
(P.S. I'm not albanian, or kosovar, or from any country in the Balkans. I just can't stand to see aggressors try to pass themselves off as victims.)
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