Sunday, November 2, 2008

McCain Better win... or Else part II

In addition to Ohio and a slew of other red states, McCain needs either two of these combinations of states to win the presidency:
1. Virginia and Colorado
2. Pennsylvania

These three states would probably sway the election if it is close. Obama has 239 electoral votes in the bag (Kerry states+Iowa and New Mexico-Pennsylvania and New Hampshire). New Hamsphire is irrelevant in this discussion because it only has 4 electoral votes. Winning Colorado and Virginia minus Pennsylvania would net McCain a 274-264 electoral college win (Minus New Hampshire) and winning Pennsylvania minus Virginia would net McCain a 273-265 victory in the electoral college. Nailbiting wins but it gets the job done for McCain.

Lastly, as a counterpoint to Matt's post about factors which will help Obama.
1. Pollsters don't usually count people who only use cell phones in their polls and cell phone only users would most likely vote for Obama.
2. Obama's get-out the vote effort compared to McCain's is like comparing a Ferrari to a Yugo.

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Raphael Alexander said...

Hey guys, I was asked for a link exchange from Michael Avitabile. I've reciprocated, so any time you could get to adding me on your sidebar would be great.

Anonymous said...

Wow, loved that story on Keith Olbermann!!
David A.