Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Wait-- I Thought Elections Were Cancelled!

With all of the 9/11 Truth movement and the "Bush Lied" movement, I could have sworn that I heard that elections were supposed to be canceled today. I haven't voted yet, but it certainly appears that voting is occurring!

I don't know what the problem is! I swear, men in black were supposed to come from Karl Rove's dungeon and destroy voting places. Or... there's going to be massive voter fraud! Well, I guess we have that one covered.

Okay, okay... I'm beginning to hyperventilate. They told me that the 2004 and 2006 elections were supposed to be canceled too. What's happening? Wasn't Bush supposed to declare himself President for life? I'm still waiting for Condoleeza Rice to crown him with olive branches. What's going on? (Not to sound like Admiral Stockdale) I'm sure the army is preparing for the riots after the vote is rigged.

Okay... we just need to see. I might need to move to Iran or some other free nation. I just can't stand the stench of fascism!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really great blog!
Please review our website at your earliest convenience. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


Adam Vohrer
Vice President

Citizens Committee for Restructured Government (CCRG)
