Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Joe's Technology of the Week

Dr. Joe is back from the reaches of the Congo and has discovered new technologies that can even civilize the wily Eskimo. With the fast pace of our world, we must remember that even five years ago we did not even have the automobile! That is why we must strive to help build the future of our mutant, half-human half-insect children.

Joe's Technology:
From the most advanced laboratories in the world comes this remarkable potion of life. By inserting a long syringe directly into the testicles of a pubescent boy, we have the great injection of steroids. It has been reported that a man was able to lift three horse with three arms after just one shot of these wonders.So I say unto the masses: take steroids! There are no negative side effects, and if anything, it will make you smarter and more handsome. They enhance your health and reportedly cure all forms of cancer. And for the men, I hear that it makes more than just your muscles bigger (hint). So take out an old, used syringe and inject today!

NOTE: This will probably kill you. Do not do this. Yes, this means you, A-Rod.

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