Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Our Money for the AIG Salaries?

Les Hendrix on the Schoharie Tattler has a good post up about the proposed use of our money to pay for the AIG executives' salaries. Such a move is an insult to all of us, especially those who have trouble paying mortgages or receiving loans.

Change We Can Believe In?

The Obomination is accepting AIG’s plan to pay $100 million in bonuses to executives who nearly brought the firm to bankruptcy before the government gave them a $170 BILLION of our money. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/15/business/15AIG.html?hp

Is that change we can believe in?

Grow a little brass, Mr. Obama. Do something like impose the BAT tax on corporations that use bailout funds for executive bonuses (or any other executive remuneration or other inappropriate purpose). The tax should equal 100 percent of the inappropriately used money. And while we’re at it, let’s examine the question, “Is it not a form of fraud for a company to accept bailout funds and then use the funds to reward the executives who caused the need for bailout?” Was there here no scheme to defraud? How can this not be a con game? If you have any guts we will see a bunch of them in jail.

BAT Tax is explained at the right.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here is the URL for the BAT Tax
