Monday, June 1, 2009

Obama to Sell B-2 Bomber Blueprints to China to Pay Off Debt

B-2 Plans for Sale?
Richard Hogarty
Boston Reviewer
June 1, 2009

Record deficits and a crashing economy appear to be taking a toll on the young Barack Obama Administration. The Administration has been talking about hiking income taxes and perhaps instituting a VAT tax.

China is also concerned with the mounting deficits in the United States budget. China is the single biggest holder of US Treasury Bonds and is one of Washington's biggest trading partners. The People's Republic has had a burgeoning economy, but is increasingly wary of the falling US dollar.

While the exact amount of Chinese ownership of US treasuries is unknown, it is estimated to add up to over a trillion dollars. If China were to call in US guarantees on these bonds, economists fear it could lead to an economic collapse larger than the Great Depression.

China has recently expanded its defense budget, ostensibly to keep up with its economic growth. China is reportedly working on its own version of a stealth bomber (the US has the only functioning model) but is lagged by technological defects.

On April 1st, President Obama spoke to Chinese Premier Hu Jintao during the G20 Summit. During this meeting, Mr. Hu expressed interest in writing off some of the US debt in exchange for military technology. The President has since referred the matter to Defense Secretary Robert Gates.

The Defense Department is reportedly furious with the President's proposal to sell blueprints of the B-2 Spirit stealth bomber to the People's Republic. Gates has flatly rejected the President's plan, but has since been asked to step down if he will not facilitate the process.

According to the deal, the United States would sell the plans for the B-2, along with radar-absorbing paints and metals in exchange for $50 billion in debt relief. The B-2 cost the US government $23 billion to develop the bomber in the 1980s.

According to the Administration, this proposal will help the United States resolve its debt issues. They point out their belief that the B-2 bomber is "strategically obsolete", according to a source in the White House Press Office. In addition, the source claims that the Chinese would be unable to create their own functioning stealth bomber fleet for "at least eight years."

American allies Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea are very wary of the proposal. Koo Syi, a geopolitical analyst from South Korea, points out that this technology could be passed to China's allies. This was the case when Chinese nuclear technology was transferred to Pakistan and North Korea. According to Koo, Obama has rendered US allies' opinions as "irrelevant."

While this proposal is controversial, it is not being presented to Congress, where it could meet with stern opposition. Instead, the State Department has been informed to assist the Defense Department with the transfer of materials.

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Anonymous said...

why isn't there any link to sources? you have no credibility.

Anonymous said...

neither do you

Unknown said...

I beleive every word of it, o'banana is an agent of communists and arabs, and my only surprise is 'what took so long'?
I voted for o'bnanana but now realize he is no different than bush, just a different color and instead of booze he's addicted to coke.

A real fancy type of lady-man.

Anonymous said...

Boston Reviewer? Richard Hogarty? No links?

Too much time on your hands is right.

Eugene Donald Clough said...

This allegation is too important not to provide sources or at least some kind of attribution. Either President Obama has shot his young administration in the heart with the worst foreign policy move imaginable, or Mr. Hogarty is a pluperfect example of what is wrong with the internet.

Anonymous said...

What bullshit.

JimmyP said...

It's up on the Turner Radio Network, which is a reputable news source. Here:

nummy said...

it is verbatim the same exact article in turner radio network ... which by the way has no connection to Turner Broadcasting.

the article on turner radio network still has no credible sources or references. where is the journalism???

Unknown said...

yeah like the new york times is reputable
don't make me laugh
this fits obama's MO

Anonymous said...


gee wondering if i can get some goodies on this one....

Anonymous said...

this is tooo far--
spread this to every forum, free republic, hannity, drudge, everywhere!!!!!

amiga said...

It's *satire* doodz!

The fact that it sounds believeable, however, is scary as hell ...

Anonymous said...


Brian H said...

Edit note:
As so often happens, when a writer can smell the barn, the rush to finish blows his grammar:
"informed to assisted the Department of Defense".

Clang! "to assisted" is non-English. So solly.

Anonymous said...

Look at all the braindead freepers jumping on the bandwagon! Amazing. Nice troll, to whoever made up this hoax.

Current News said...

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Anonymous said...

No credibility ?

Why, this is a beautiful job of astroturfing ! It actually started to go viral.

Orly Taitz was all over it like flies on "stuff".

Anonymous said...

P.S. We have an arms trade embargo with China and Obama/H Clinton don't appear to be interested in removing it in the near term.

Anonymous said...

Some random blogger said it, it must be true!

Anonymous said...

Do you remember April Fool's Day 2001? The "gift" of Echelon to the Communist Chinese military. Do you know who negotiated for the return of the airplane?

1997 Defense Reform Act - total rewrite of the military procurement and logistics system = sabotage.

Savi Technology (Lockheed) and Hutchinson Port Holdings (Hutchinson Whampoa (Communist Chinese Military)) partnership to implement police state technology on our highways.

Clinton Administration - check and see who he brought into the U.S. Commerce Department which was the agency leading the global information system project - "reinvention of government".

There is a lot more too... need I say it? We have been sold out by traitors.

Anonymous said...

OMG, you guys are arguing over sourcing an Onion article.

Anonymous said...

OMG! LMAO You're quoting an article from the ONION! It's a COMEDY site, dimwit!

Anonymous said...

Ill tell everyone this ive worked on the b-2 spirit at lockheed martin in texas knowone knows its capibilities but a few its just an amazing aircraft im serious if china gets ahold of these prints they will sell them to russia n.korea,and etc. and the world will fall

Roger Fleming said...

Please tell me that these stupid TRAITOROUS SOB'S are not going to do this. SF ROGER FLEMING

Anonymous said...

you're all a bunch of flaming idiots! This is absolutely sickening that so many of you Obama haters would believe this trash. Note, only Obama haters would give this kind of blatant lies a second look. Morons!!!

Anonymous said...

I am an Obama hater, but I have checked and and the Turner Radio Network and found nothing to support the information in this article.

XKCDfanboy said...

{{citation needed}}

Anonymous said...

Why don't you bloggers leave the journalism to professionals. What makes this "satire" "article" even funnier is that the amount you quoted was $50 billion dollars. Thats not even a drop in the bucket. If you're gonna lie, lie BIG!

Anonymous said...

I love

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised how many people believe this even though this blog is made up of satirical comedy articles? Anyways it was a pretty funny article.

Smarter said...

Look, they voted for 'W' TWICE (and the tin man.)

David N. Viger, Jr. said...

Look, I sent this to a number of recipients without checking out Snopes first. There is plenty on Obama and the atrocious job he is doing to wreck our Country without making stuff up, and discrediting those of us to the point that anything we may tell another will be automatically discredited when it is true.

I wouldn't put something like this, at least the thought of it, past Emperor Obama, but even with his average intelligence and minimal speaking (excuse me, reading) skills I cannot imagine his handlers allowing him to do something so outlandish and blatantly discrediting and traitorous as selling a top secret technology to the Chinese Reds!

Anonymous said...

This is high treason. When millions die because of this, will you all remember whos fault it is? If my eggs weren't in the same nest I would say you fools that voted for this alien deserve it.

Anonymous said...

this is hilarious! i can't even count the number of moonbats who have tried to tell me about this only for me to put the snopes smack down their crazy asses!

i think it must be all that blind faith they're used to employing, rather than critical thinking or research...

Anonymous said...

That seems like a nonsense news. Why will he do that? World is changing, may be. My Blog : earn money chao!

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Anonymous said...

Anyone else come here from snopes, where - big surprise! - this little story is exposed as yet another fabrication of small-minded morons who will believe ANYTHING that denigrates someone who they do not like?