Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Solution to Global Warming: Dumping Iron into the Ocean

Well, no matter if global warming is man-made or not, we may want to be careful about some... extreme measures. A country like Germany, not known for extremes, is pushing one really strange option. Dumping iron into the sea!

Dumping iron in the ocean to reverse global warming evokes strong reactions and epitomizes the political hot potato. The German government lead resistance to attempts to use the fertilization of plankton growth in oceans for commercially offsetting greenhouse gas emissions, ultimately promoting an international convention restricting iron fertilization. The irony was not lost on many when Germany's own Alfred Wegener Institute announced plans for a large scientific study of iron fertilization. And this potato got so hot, the German science ministry suspended approval for the experiment pending further analysis -- even as the research ship Polarstern cruised toward the planned destination for the iron dump.

Independent Review of Ocean Fertilization Study
Independent reviews of the study were evaluated by both the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety. The reviews affirmed the green light for the project. "After careful study of expert reports, I am convinced there are no scientific or legal objections to the German-Indian marine research project," said Science Minister Annette Schavan, as quoted at The Earth Times.


Anonymous said...

I see no problem in using "micronutrients" like Fe-, Mn-, Zn-, V- or Cu- compounds, uzw. Particulary in a low conc.<10\-5 M or slow release fasion.
On the other hand, the evidence for CO2 as the primary agent for climate change, rests on very thin ice, to say the least, so it is probably better to start farming of micro-algae, for hydrocarbon synthesis. Or even as food ingredient, as the many uses of GMO technology, and ethanol production from farming land, has lead to a severe depletion in food stores alll over the world. Hence the climate crisis, has come in the background of several other, definately man-made crises:
1. The globalization of government issue, wich will definately make us into slaves of the monetary and political elite.
2. The economic/monetary crisis. Created by the big financial institutions, and a system with debt and greed as the fundament of most currencies, and the best choice would maybe, be to go back to a system of "barter" or "metal or work" standard. Fractional banking has proven itself to be completely unreliable in every generation it has been implementd, and this is not to say it was all "shining" with "silver and gold" either.
3. The greatest ecological threat these days is still the loss of rain forrest. -And other threats to biodiversity, like GMOs. With most of it in the hands of IMF it is definitely not very safe.
4. The extremely low oil price, is probably not a pure market regulated thing. I guess it is probably the primary weapon in the corporate/Globalist/World Bank/EU++ - war on OPEC countries.

We should all start producing, storing and bartering food products on whatever plots of land we may have access to.

Well, anyway, it is not the worst thing to do, to waste some iron, however, steel production is maybe more important... So why not start farming for algae, and use the product for nutrition or fuel production. AS a man also educated in marine ecology, and also the management of biological resources, among other sciences and "epistemology" - I can only say I don't trust the predictions of "inconvenient" Al Gore, and the predestined conclusions of the UN IPCC, and I know I have a majority of the worlds independent researchers on my side. (But,, as stated previously, I can see no harm in experimenting on a rather large scale with micronutrients in the 10|-6 - 10|-5 mole/l (M)area.

Tore Mikael Schanke

Experimental said...

Global warming is when the temperature around the world gets warmer. There's a natural cycle the earth has been going through for thousands of years. We have global warming for many years.

Experimental said...

The Pentagon commissioned a report on the possibility of rapid climate change -- in particular examining the collapse of the north atlantic thermohaline conveyor.

Experimental said...

how does the global warming is going to affect our planet? What can we do about it? Is it as real as people say it is?