Saturday, July 4, 2009

Should be 100%.

Rasmussen Reports is known for asking "Do you consider such & such Holiday one of the most important, least important, somewhere in between, or are you not sure"? In regards to Memorial Day, 44% of Americans believe that Memorial Day is one of the most important celebrations in America, 7% believe it is one of the least important celebrations in America, that poll is very upsetting.

Now that it is Independence day, we have another insightful Rasmussen poll :
62% - most important holiday.
32% - somewhere in between.
4% - least important holiday.
2% - not sure.

When it comes to Memorial day, I understand that some Americans hold a negative view of fighting for freedom, our Military, etc. - I can somewhat understand the low rating. However, for Independence day? It is just sickening. The day we declared ourselves a sovereign Nation, the day the greatest Nation in the world was birthed, the day Freedom was no longer a cause without a home - but a cause with a home, and only 62% consider it one of the most important celebrations?

In terms of political affiliation, it is not shocking :

73% of Republicans consider Independence day one of the most important.
66% of Men consider Independence day one of the most important.
59% of Women consider Independence day one of the most important.
57% of unaffiliated votes & Democrats (57% for both group) consider Independence that the most important.

I would have loved to have seen a Conservative vs. liberal view on this.

It should be 100% among all groups in America, because it is our Independence day.

Another disturbing poll also found, that Americans agree with most of the ideals in the Declaration of Independence, however it is another field Americans should be 100% behind.


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1 comment:

innominatus said...

Did Rasmussen have tabs on the age breakdowns? Betcha it's the youth that are screwing up the percentages. Sad.