Thursday, July 30, 2009

Republican candidates winning big time in Governor elections.

Virginia : Republican Attorney General Bob McDonnell is leading Democrat Creigh Deeds 55-40% in the upcoming election for Governor in the state of Virginia. McDonnell along with the two other Republicans seeking election in statewide contests, are expected to take the state back into Republican control with ease.

New Jersey : the former Republican federal attorney general in the state of New Jersey, Chris Christie, is leading Democrat Governor Corzine by a whopping 14 percentage points, with under 14 weeks to election day 2009. Possibly returning the state back into Republican control, for the first time in over a decade.

This is great news for the Republican party, and considering both are very strong fiscal Conservatives (and Mr.McDonnell is a strong Conservative in all areas), it just proves something - strong Conservatism wins, especially fiscal Conservatism during this very fiscally reckless time in Washington D.C, great news for Republicans & Conservatives across the Nation, and even better for the residents in Virginia & New Jersey.

McDonnell leading Deeds -

Christie leading Corzine -

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it just proves something - strong Conservatism wins, especially fiscal Conservatism during this very fiscally reckless time in Washington D.C

As opposed to the Dem lite that we ran in the presidential election and what we've had in both houses of Congress the past 10 years.