Alfred Friedman
San Diego Sun Times
Nothing Escapes Us Under the Sun
In what observers are calling "callous chauvinism," President Barack Obama was heard on tape denigrating Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during a discussion with White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, calling her a "broad."
Obama was reportedly frustrated that Secretary Clinton, his former primary rival, did not secure a key trade deal with China last week. According to Emanuel's staff, the President expected the deal to be one of the landmarks of his early foreign policy.
The recording, was dismissed by White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs as "a misinterpretation." Gibbs would not go into further detail. The Washington Post's editorial board also declined to comment on the story.
When listened to, the recording of the President states that, "...I really needed her to do this. (inaudible) ... another failure. She told me that she didn't want (inaudible)." The President is then interrupted by a question from Emanuel, to which Obama replied, "She told me that she didn't want to do it. But she has to realize that I'm in charge, Rahm. She just can't go spouting her own views on important trips like some broad from downstate New York."
The tape was released to the press, despite the objections Chief of Staff Emanuel. After the Governor Rod Blagojevich scandal, Emanuel's conversations have been taped by staff, which makes it possible for all of his conversations with the President to be monitored.
This controversy comes at a time when Obama's approval rating is slipping with the American public, and Secretary Clinton is rumored to be contemplating resignation.
Secretary Clinton was unable to be reached for comments because of her trip to the Middle East.
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Also, this is satire. Please take note.
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I did a simple search and could NOT find either Alfred Friedman or San Diego Sun Times. Do you have a link to the paper? This seems very peculiar.
Is this just a made-up internet rumor? Seems like it is entirely spurious.
I can find no such entity as the 'San Diego Sun Times', nor any article written by an 'Alfred Friedman'.
Link, please.
It says satire at the bottom. Why do so many stupid people not read to the bottom? It's satire, dumbasses.
He just added the "satire" part. He (or they) got caught trying to pass this off as "news".
If that's satire, it's very poorly executed.
I read this article when it first went up on freerepublic. The "satire" tag has always been there. I'm guessing you're one of the people who were fooled because you didn't read the bottom. Get over it, dude.
No, Free Republic added the "satire" part,too. Right before they pulled it and banned "jumping in pools". Busted.
@ Anonymous
You did get fooled, I knew it. What a liar you are. The satire tag at the bottom of the article (in blue) has always been there.
lol. Too bad you can't read the pulled Freeper post. He certainly was trying to pass it off as real.He even tried to say he "found" it on Wikio!
@ Anonymous
Well, even if Jumping in Pools says he found it on Wikio, it has always said satire. Just wondering, have you ever heard of a "moderate proposal?" Also, is it actually on Wikio?
Do you mean "A Modest Proposal"?
@ Donna
Whoops, that's the one. Anyway, I think this author tried to write this as a "satire" piece not for the humor, but for the reaction. Just like a Modest Proposal. In a way, he succeed (a lot of people are pissed) and failed (a lot of people are pissed).
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