Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The City of LA has officially lost it for good.

The City of Los Angeles has been falling into a never ending spiral of hell for the past several decades, recently with a increased illegal inflow, perhaps the worst Mayor of Los Angeles in history, and with the very very liberal economic policy which is currently in place - the City has joined the state of California, in being in a state of confusion.

Los Angeles has been in debt forever, never like before. They are literally taxing everyone to death, as the popular Writers destination for publishing articles (sadly, I have never attempted) Creations Syndicate is leaving the long time of Los Angeles, because the City is ignoring a court order from several years ago - and is taxing the company anyway. They can no longer afford it, and precious dollars are leaving the City forever (if the City wins their current tax mandate, which they probably will).

Now enter Michael Jackson.

The Jackson's plan a massive memorial for the pop singer, which requires hundreds of LA cops to be on seen, to shut down an entire section of the highway, block off a few blocks in the City, resulting in 5 million dollars cost for a City deep in debt, and who knows how much lost commerce for the last businesses in Los Angeles.

One Councilmen has a bright idea - either the Jackson family (given, it was THEIR family member that died, delayed the flow of the City for hours, and pulled hundreds of cops away from actually doing their jobs) or the promoting company pay for thr 5 million dollar costs. I am personally in support of the Jackson family paying it, no-way the taxpayers should be stuck with the extravaganzas of the Jackson family.

Well, the Mayor of LA has said its no problem, the City of LA deep in debt is glad to pay for it.

HAVE THEY LOST IT?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wonder if these idiot liberals actually realize what they are doing, or whether or not they actually intend for what their doing. Either way is not good, how about get a Conservative in Los Angeles - a pipe dream, because it might actually work - and the citizens/liberals of LA wouldn't want that! Or would they? Perhaps they do, then again they are bound in the chains of slavery to the Democrat party & liberal agenda.

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Anonymous said...

Man, I love California, and would love to move back someday. But as long as idiots continue to be allowed to vote I don't see it happening anytime soon, or ever.

Editor said...

I love New York, one day it might become to expensive however.