While close & crucial votes have occurred in the United States Senate, the legislative house of exposing waste, and standing for Conservatism is the House of Representatives - via the Republican caucus that has surrounded itself in following Conservatism nearly on every single issue with most of the caucus support on every issue.
We have seen complete pieces of legislation with no Republican yea votes, and we have seen complete pieces of legislation with under ten Republican yea votes at the max. The Republican caucus in the House of Representatives has been crucial to knowing what is in various pieces of legislation, especially House Minority leader John Boehner when he brilliantly read from the 300 pages to the cap & tax bill which was added at 3AM in the morning.
The Republican caucus in the United States Senate? They have been lax.
It appears they never can all stay on the same page, or vote like Conservatives & Republicans at least a majority of the time (as a whole), are to willing to "compromise" on issues that require a stance on one side or the other, and sometimes - the minority GOP vote is the Conservative vote (such as on the Tobacco regulation vote).
Republican Senators need to stand together, legislation that is vital to this Nation in how it will dramatically alter & restrict Americans in so many ways, when it comes to forced healthcare, a green tax, government control, big unions, bad economics, and always - more debt. We need to stop all of this bad legislation, and we cannot do it with one House - we need both House's of Congress, both House's of Republicans standing for Conservative principles.
Or else, we are doomed.
So a memo to Republican Senators : GROW A SPINE, VOTE CONSERVATIVE!
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Well said!
Please visit http://www.gopleader.gov/ daily.
I have only been paying attention for the past year, but Minority Leader Boehner has impressed me mightily.
I would like to see him run for President in 2012. I think he has the guts, the spine and the integrity for it. He is not a man who seeks the limelight, but neither does he shy away from it when necessary.
Our founding fathers would be proud of him and we should be too.
Best regards,
Gail S
Since no President has been directly elected from the House of Representatives in a long time, I would suggest that Boehner look at running for the Senate, then running for the President - I would support him 100%
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