Sunday, August 2, 2009

Dota pudge and techies

Out of all of the dota heroes I've played, i don't enjoy any of them as much as i do Techies and Pudge. Pudge of course is one of the hardest heroes to use when it comes to hooking, especially with delay, but i always manage. Techies on the other hand is always funny because placing mines can really anger people and on some occasions make them leave. Techies is much easier to counter than pudge due to Techies low health and mines being compromised by a gem or wards so i normally go support just so i can help the team out. I almost never get suicide because i feel stats and stun are much more successful in the long run and i almost never suicide unless im playing that kind of techies... which sucks late game. Pudge is a little harder to counter considering he can slow heroes around him and can dismember which will disable for however long. He has some magic resistance and is the only hero that doesnt stop getting stronger after level 25 due to fleshstr. I always get a bottle with pudge because his mana is very low from the start and when you miss a hook you would have to wait for his mana to regen otherwise. Bottle is fast easy and always good for haste runes lolololol. I just get orchid, scepter, and sheep with techies and im good for the whole game... occasionally ill get a blood stone and normally in this order. Pudge i get boots of travel, vanguard, sangeyasha, battlefury, heart, and radiance. I try in that order but occasionally ill get treads. Well id like to hear some other builds with these two heroes.

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Aurelius said...

Dota Pudge and Techies: #4 on Google!

Alezend said...

You should be pushing your newest book "Chads Book of Pro". It teaches everything you need to know about dota from Tank to Gank!!

Aurelius said...

Gank... is that a geek and a tank combined, because Sir Chad... well, you know.

Luke said...

"only hero that doesnt stop getting stronger after level 25 due to fleshstr"

Silencer also continues to gain intelligence whenever he kills a hero due to his aura

Mr. d said...

I don't understand any of this stuff but it's great!

Sirchadthepro said...

It is true that silencer may gain attack due to his aura now, but pudge can gain hp through his fleshstr and it works on non-hero enemies as well. This makes it significantly better of course it also brings up the fact when pudge kills a hero he gains 1.2 str and not just a single intelligence. Silencer is also very squishy and can die very easily. Pudge can easily gain an extra 30-35 str at the end of a 1 hour game when you dont see silencer getting or being around that many kills.