While Americans have been against almost all of Obama's stances/beliefs/policy decisions over the past six months, from the first stimulus package to the talk of a second stimulus package, Americans have slowly, but surely have put the faulty decisions of Obama towards his job performance.
Rasmussen Reports has tracked America's opinion of Obama's job performance - via approve/disapprove, the numbers have average 55% of approval & 44% of disapproval towards Obama, well the tide is beginning to go down - his current Nationwide approval has dimmed to 52% & his disapproval is at an all time high of 47%. Rasmussen also tracks strongly approve/disapprove as well, and the strongly disapprove has been below zero for the past week, with a 33% strongly approve & 36% strongly disapprove.
All good news right? It gets better from the swing state of Ohio.
Via the Quinnipiac poll on the opinion of voters from the state of Ohio, only a mere 49% of voters approve of the job Obama is doing, and a strong 44% disapprove of the job Obama is doing. With a close Senate race expected next November, expect an even closer Presidential election in 2012. A +5% approval rating in any state should be a good thing, however with a very slim win in Ohio & the state being more Conservative then not - also very good news for Conservatives & Republicans alike.
Americans are turning on Obama, Democrat liberalism/neo-marxism in terms of National Security, America in general, when it comes to the size of government, and the economy (which Obama has made worse in just 6 months) - the citizens of Ohio are following that path as well, and with both drifting towards buyers remorse - Conservatives & the Republican party must be ready to accept the pro-Conservative voting bloc once again (always was pro-Conservative, just got confused in '08).
And by accept, I mean act like Conservatives while running for office & while running the Nation.
Good news all around.
A woman once asked Benjamin Franklin (after the Constitutional convention) whether or not we have a monarch or a Republic, he responded "a Republic, if you can keep it" - Can the Republican party keep & lead through its Conservative principles? "Yes, if you can keep them".
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