Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Democrats have to be kidding me.

The Democratic party has to be smoking something, as they claim "they are done with reaching across the political spectrum to those evil Republicans", when did they start?

The stimulus was rammed through without any GOP consideration.
Cap & Tax was pushed through, with an additional 300 pages added in the middle of the night.
The Democrats have ignored Republicans through out the health care debate, are looking at an un-constitutional procedure to pass the legislation in the Senate, and will not consider one Conservative opinion.

They complain that is time for the GOP to give some ground up. Principles mean a lot more then "reaching across the aisle, my friends", especially when that means passing an un-constitutional measure, an anti-capitalistic, anti-freedom, anti-personal responsibility, anti-American, and anti-common sense legislation. Which will cost us Hundreds of billions of dollars in debt, perhaps trillions, cost tens of millions to lose their current health insurance, destroy the greatest health care system in the world, and give more control of our lives to the federal government. Not to mention, increase tax rates to near 60% in some spots across the Nation.

I don't want to "give up" any of the above principles mentioned, not to mention the illegal care which will come, the rationing, and the even more illegal access to abortions this legislation will allow.

The Democratic party does not want to compromise, which with this legislation that is not practical, given every single measure goes against Conservative principles in one fashion or another (not to mention steals liberty from American citizens, and doesn't even address the real problems), they want to ram it down our throats, and have control over more & more Americans.

So Democrats, next time you claim you "were working with the GOP", or attempting to, tell it to your crazies.

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Sirchadthepro said...

You realize what your saying is democrats are just better then republicans by being able to get things done?

Editor said...

No....I am trying to expose how Democrats are complete liars. They claim to want to work the the "GOP", and they have rammed everything through without even considering the "GOP", in fact the only working together has been with Democrats joining the Republican side!