Virginia Gubernatorial election - Bob McDonnell for Governor!
New Jersey Gubernatorial election - Chris Christie for Governor!
New York's 23rd congressional election - Doug Hoffman for Congress!
California's 10th congressional election - David Harmer for Congress!
Whether or note you are in Virginia, California's 10th congressional district, New Jersey, or New York's 23rd congressional district. There are elections ongoing, go out there and vote. Your vote does count.
Consider this topic an open thread, discuss the elections of the day, results, predictions, and even some local reports from elections across the other 46 states which are of significance.
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Looks like voter fraud may be an issue in NJ
I hope not. Hopefully, Christie will have so many supporters out in force, ACORN'S illegal efforts will not make an impact.
Vote Creigh Deeds
My predictions:
VA Gov-Criegh Deeds (R)
NJ Gov-Jon Corzine (D)
NY 23-Doug Hoffman (C)
I'm calling Christie by 3
I'm voting Peggy for coroner!
Criegh Deeds is actually a (D), but I actually think Bob McDonnell will win.
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