Final Fantasy VII (PS1)
Resident Evil 4 (PS2)
Baseball Mogul 2007 (PC)
Dead Rising (Xbox 360)
Rock Band (Xbox 360)
Driver (PS1), Driver 2 (PS1)
Grand Theft Auto IV (Xbox 360), GTA: Vice City (PS2)
Civilization IV (PC)
Rome Total War (PC)
Super the Empire Strikes Back (SNES), Super Return of the Jedi (SNES)
Star Wars: Rebellion (PC)
Rogue Squadron (N64)
If I don't have a game on the list, it doesn't mean I don't necessarily like it. I just haven't played all the games that have ever been made! Not yet, at least.
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WOW! it's great! i also like to play games very much.
How would I go about being a video game writer, like a screenplay writer? Is there a certian fromat that it would have to be written in for submission to an actual designer?
Is there a certian fromat that it would have to be written in for submission to an actual designer?
How would I go about being a video game writer, like a screenplay writer?
Wonderful list of the Video games. Thanks for such a great list. I like playing World of warcraft game often. That was an interesting game.
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