Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Arab: Hitler Was Just Awesome

Does anyone realize why we're fighting in the Middle East and why there are problems in that area of the world. Not only are there people who will blow themselves up because you worship the wrong god, but there appears to be a lot, and I mean a lot, of people who really have a thing for Hitler.

This particular scumbag is Essa bin Mohammed Al Zedjali, writing for my favorite paper, the Oman Times. He starts us out with some teasers:

But as it happened, the Europeans, the Russians and the Americans had a different attitude towards the Jews. They must have had their own reasons or justifications for expelling the Jews out of their countries and looking for an alternative homeland for them. The Jews were found to be harmful, racial, hateful and hypocritical and that was why they were hated by the governments and the peoples of their host countries and why those countries, especially Britain, agreed to find, as quickly as possible, a homeland for the Jewish people outside Europe.

I mean, who didn't know that! But it only gets better:

It is illustrative to browse through the relevant pages of history to know the real history of the Jews in Germany. You would then come to know why Hitler had taken harsh measures against them. The entire economy of Germany, including banks, publishing houses, jewellery stores, light and heavy industries and almost all economic organisations of consequence, was under the total control of the Jews.

They muddied every aspect of the economy by perpetrating fraud after fraud on common people. This unprepossessing situation annoyed the German citizens no end and impelled Hitler to punish the Jews for their bad deeds.

The United States today finds itself in the same predicament as Germany back then. Now in the US, the Jews wield enormous control over all important decisions, whether they relate to politics, economy or media. No American citizen is free today to utter a single word about international or even national issues. This is the reason the American views on various issues being relayed to the world through the media are in fact the views of the Jews.

This guy should get a reality check and stop with the Jew-hate. Don't you think there's enough people who hate them already?

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