Sunday, December 13, 2009

Interview: The Unreligious Right

Jumping in Pools is proud to present number thirty-two in our interview series. Dave from The Unreligious Right has agreed to be interviewed by our site-- check out his site.
UNRR is 45, He's been married for 17 years, and has a twelve year old son. He has an academic background in military history and European diplomatic history among other things. His study of history strongly influences how he view the world. He was raised by conservative Christian parents, but gradually came to realize that he just didn't believe in Christianity, or even in God. But unlike many atheists, he remained on the right politically.
We have it linked on our blogroll as well!

1. What was the inspiration to start the Unreligious Right?

I used to be a regular commenter on the blog Politburo Diktat, run by Steven Sherman. I spent a large amount of time arguing there. When Steven stopped posting regularly, I decided that I should use the time I was spending there to start my own blog. I also wanted to help counter the impression that all atheists are on the left. In my view atheism is a product of logical reasoning, and logical reasoning is not something I associate with most left-wing positions.

2. What has been the biggest accomplishment of the Obama Administration thus far?

That's a tough question. I'd have to say the biggest accomplishment was getting elected in the first place. Obama ran a skillful campaign, and went from someone with no chance to actually becoming president. Since then it's all been downhill.

3. Biggest failure?

I can't identify any one thing. I think Obama's failures are still in progress, and it's too early to judge the greatest failure. In addition, if Obama succeeds with certain policies, such as passing health care reform, or climate change legislation, I think his personal political success will probably be huge failures for the country as a whole.

4. What is your opinion of Christopher Hitchens?

I think Hitchens is an excellent writer and advocate for his positions. I often agree with his political articles. He's an effective critic of religion, although he takes a much harsher, overtly anti-religious position than I do.

5. If your policy beliefs could be summed into three sentences, what would they be?

Government is a necessary evil. Radical change is more likely to make things worse than to make them better. International relations are primarily driven by power and interests, not morality or legalism.

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1 comment:

R4 card said...

I'm english and I've only ever been to one christian wedding as most people leave religion out of their wedding here. Most people over here have their weddings in a registry office/hotel/country house.