Thursday, December 10, 2009

Spitzer might run for New York State Comptroller.

Eliot Spitzer, the former Governor of New York who resigned after his sexual exploits with numerous prostitutes was exposed, is considering a run for the Democrat nomination, to be the Democratic candidate for State Comptroller. Thomas DiNalopi, the current Comptroller who was elected to that position via the state legislature after Alan Hevesi resigned (another Democrat violating the law), is considered a weak Democratic candidate for the 2010 elections, and thus Spitzer might be an appealing candidate.

New York is one of the most unstable governments in the Union, as the state is deep in red ink, we have one of the most incompetent Governors ever to be in office, the corruption of Democrats has spread since all branches of Government are controlled by Democrats, and now we have the possibility of Eliot Spitzer running for public office again.

Can it get worse!

It was bad enough the people of New York elected Spitzer in the first place to the executive branch, than as Governor he screwed the people of New York in regards to public trust, misuse of state troopers, not to mention he broke the law numerous times, and was pushing legislation to allow illegal immigrants to have drivers licences in New York, when they should not be in the United States, at all.

Knowing the voters of New York, I wonder if Spitzer would be denied election to serve as Comptroller, considering New York is the state of Senator Schumer, Congressman Rangel, Congressman Owens, Governor Paterson, among numerous other corrupt Democrats who use public office as a personal troft.

I would not trust Eliot Spitzer with a female member of the human species, why would the citizens of New York trust the dirtbag with one ounce of power, let alone the duties of auditing government operations and the state retirement system. If Spitzer runs for Comptroller, I hope the citizens of New York have at least one minuscule ounce of ethics and the rule of law left inside of them, because if Spitzer was to be elected, I would file a lawsuit against the citizens of New York for stupidity.

While Spitzer is just considering a run at this point, I guarantee, if Spitzer does run for State Comptroller, I will invest all hours of the day to defeat this scumbag, as he has no place or right to be within a mile of public office, after the disgusting behavior he exhibited as Governor of New York.

Need another reason to vote GOP? "Join the Democrats, in a movement based on the beliefs and actions of Bill Clinton, Max Baucus, Eliot Spitzer, and Congressman Rangel".

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1 comment:

Editor said...

Thanks for adding to the list of reasons I fear Spitzer in public office, him using our taxdollars for hookers....again.