Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Report: Support for Stimulus Bill Plummets

Yahoo News is reporting today that public support for President Obama’s Stimulus Bill, which was supported by 57% of the public in January, has fallen to 51% today. This 6% drop signifies increased resistance to the bill, which is characterized by many as “pork-filled” and shady.

But what is the real reason why support has fallen. I propose two reasons: first, the short honeymoon between Pres. Obama and the American public could be over. Second, Americans are getting tired of the President’s double talk.

Considering that the former Senator has pushed vigorously and angrily for support of this bill, calling non-supporters “revisionist historians” and people who would rather do nothing and see the country crash and burn, the grace period between him and the people may be dwindling. He renounces those who don’t support the bill, he attacks them, and yet he calls for bi-partisanship. The American people must be starting to see through this façade.

In the President’s prime time speech on Monday, the AP reported that he was trying to have the word “earmark” both ways. In point of fact, he lied when he stated that there were “no earmarks” in the Stimulus Bill. The American people know better than to believe something that is as clearly a lie.

So the people are starting to say no to the Stimulus Bill… No wonder President Obama is desperately trying to ram it through the Congress.

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