Friday, May 7, 2010

61% Back AZ Law

According to a new FoxNews poll, a full 61% of Americans back the law passed by Arizona and signed into effect by Governor Jan Brewer. This includes over 70% of both Republicans and Independents, as well as over 40% of Democrats. With so many in support, only 27% actually oppose the new measures. Furthermore, 64% believe that the law should be allowed to work and only 15% want the federal government to try and overturn it.

And consistent results back John McCain's plans to secure the borders:

Asked how to deal with illegal immigration, the poll shows large numbers favor using National Guard troops to help border patrol agents (79 percent), and imposing fines and criminal charges against employers who hire illegal aliens (79 percent).

Sixty percent favor using the U.S. military to stop illegal immigrants at the border. Support for using the military is up slightly from 55 percent in 2006, although it's down from a high of 79 percent in 2002,when memories of the 9/11 attacks were more top of mind.

Just over half of voters — 53 percent — favor building a wall or fence along the U.S.-Mexico border to stop illegal immigration.

I say build a fence and man it. Then pass immigration reform and prevent this from happening again.

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