Monday, February 9, 2009

McCain: This is a Joke

John Sidney McCain, perhaps the best candidate to run for the Presidency in 20 years, is blasting the attempts to force a stimulus package through the Congress. McCain has been at the forefront of bipartisanship, even if it means pissing off his own party and donor base. However, on this one, he's not playing ball with what he considers a gag:

McCain also discussed the stimulus package negotiations, which he described as the antithesis of bipartisanship, and mocked the notion that "change" had come to Washington with the recent election.

McCain, like usual, is exactly right. He realizes that much of the talk during the 2008 Campaign was simple sloganeering, and that using the stimulus as a wedge issue is not only not a change, but is detrimental to our political process.

By using this as his first major test, President Obama has set the tone for the next year: play ball or play by yourself. While Nancy Pelosi may be pushing this harder, the President is not taking any pains to push for a bipartisan bill.

If the Democrats do wind up reaching sixty seats in the Senate, forget about all of the lofty talk of bipartisanship. There will be one party in control, and just one party which matters. Then we'll see if change is just a slogan.

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1 comment:

Laurel Federbush said...

I agree that McCain is the best candidate for president in recent history. He stands up for his principles, whether that be with the majority of his party, as in this case, or totally at odds with the majority, as on the issues of torture and global warming. That's why he has so much credibility with me and many others. In the case of the "stimulus" package, he voiced clear objections that sound irrefutable to me. If only he were president!