Monday, June 28, 2010

Who will Manchin appoint?

After the funeral of West Virginia Senator Robert Byrd in the coming days, I expect all political attention to be directed onto the Governor, Joe Manchin, who will be appointing a temporary successor into the Senate, until a special election can be held this November.

I'm not a expert on the political affairs, politicians, or demographics of West Virginia, but the long held Democratic state is moving more and more to the right, as documented when Rep. Mollohan was kicked out of Congress by a Conservative Democrat in May; an electoral result the Governor should take into account.

In 2004 - President Bush won West Virginia by a 12.9% margin, and in 2008 - Senator McCain won West Virginia by a 13.1% margin; if West Virginia Republicans can shape the race around a strict platform of National and West Virginia based issues of importance, especially in opposition to cap & trade and in support of coal, a victory is definitely probable.

Who will Manchin appoint? I have no idea, but we shall see.



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