Thursday, September 24, 2009

Check Out the Urban Grind

I recently stumbled onto a site called Urban Grind, a really...interesting site to say the least. I recently contacted the website's very kind writer, whose nom de plume is Zelda.

She spent half her life as a Manhattanite, but now lives, as she put it, "back in the 'burbs." Zelda began her trek as a conservative blogger after "I went to a conservative Meetup one night. I struck up a conversation with a girl named Karol, who runs the blog Alarming News. I found her to be bright, motivated, and enthusiastic. I never knew what a blog was until then. Anyway, I went home, poured through her blog, and then all the sites on her blogroll. A few days later, I started The Urban Grind."

So check out her website.

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