Tuesday, October 20, 2009

GOP State Senator supports removal of Monserrate.

Senator Monserrate, the Democratic State Senator in New York who was convicted of dragging his girlfriend through her apartment last week, but did not receive a conviction on intentionally stabbing her (when he did), has received a backlash from the public, as they want him out of office. Well there is a movement amongst fellow New York State Senators to rightly expel Monserrate from the Senate, and I have at least one confirmed Republican Senator who supports expulsion.

Republican State Senator, Jim Seward of the 51st Senate district (in full disclaimer, my State Senator) wrote to me in an email this afternoon, that Monserrate should resign immediately, or be kicked out of the Senate for good.

Thank you for contacting my office concerning Sen. Hiram Monserrate’s conviction of a misdemeanor count of assault. I appreciate hearing from you.

Sen. Monserrate should resign from the senate immediately. As a convicted violent offender, he has no place as a member of the New York State Senate.

If he does not resign, I will support efforts to expel him from the senate.
Senator Monserrate is a disgrace, and should be removed by any means possible. I support Senator Seward's call for expulsion without question. If you are from New York, what does your State Senator think on this subject? If you are unsure, you should find out pronto.

If Senate Republicans are unable to remove Monserrate, I hope the voters in his Queen's district will, however, I highly doubt that will happen in such a Democratic voting bloc. But, local Republicans better have a good candidate running, because this scum needs to be defeated.

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