Term limits
Senator Jim Demint (R- South Carolina) is once again on my good side, as it has been announced that the good Senator will be pushing a Constitutional amendment to restrict the amount of time a Congressman or Senator can serve in the United States Congress, though the amendment will probably fail, it is a good first start in the Conservative legislative agenda to take back Congress.
DeMint's plan would restrict Congressman to three terms, and Senators to just two terms. It would remove the current status of allowing career politicians, and it would encourage more citizen legislators, something all Americans should agree with.
Net Right Nation deserves some praise for breaking this story, please visit their link at the bottom of this post.
Doug Hoffman
Senator DeMint has also announced his endorsement of Doug Hoffman for Congress, the lone true Republican in the special congressional election in New York's 23rd congressional district, who has been forced to run on the Conservative line because of favoritism towards Scozzafava during the process of which Republican Chairpeople selected their candidate.
Senator DeMint with this endorsement, becomes the first United States Senator to endorse Mr.Hoffman in his bid to be elected to the United States House of Representatives, this further more convinces me of Senator DeMint's dedication to Conservatism, and how Conservative Doug Hoffman his.
DeMint 2012!
I am once again calling for all who agree with me, that Senator DeMint should run for President in 2012, to email me at aaaabraves@yahoo.com , to discuss how we might gain DeMin't attention as to the grassroots support he has to run for the highest office in the land, because of his astounding performance in both houses of Congress.
DeMint to offer term limits Constitutional amendment - http://netrightnation.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1252026:demint-to-offer-term-limits-constitutional-amendment&catid=1:nrn-blog&Itemid=7
Jim DeMint endorses Doug Hoffman - http://www.redstate.com/erick/2009/10/27/redstate-exclusive-jim-demint-on-why-he-supports-doug-hoffman-for-congress/
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We already have term limits... they're called people losing an election.
And when 95% of the same ole - same ole are re-elected year after year......
Power should not be invested in the few for a long period of time, that creates corruption, and we are not a democracy, we are a Republic, a balance of powers, and that balance of powers should extend into the amount of time those controlling the powers should be in office.
Hello ......
we are the one......................
That not the issues/////
We the great one after all
The only infallible, unstoppable, guaranteed way to get a truly new Congress is :
Voters must IMPOSE term limits by NEVER REELECTING INCUMBENTS , AND DO IT EVERY ELECTION! Don't let anyone serve more than one term. Some of the reasons to do this:
• It gives us a one-term, term limited Congress without using amendments
• It would be supported by 70% of the country who want term limits for Congress
• It is completely non-partisan
• If repeated, it ends career politicians dominating Congress
• It opens the way to a “citizen Congress”
• It ends the seniority system that keeps freshmen powerless
• It doesn’t cost you any money. But you MUST vote! Just don’t vote for an incumbent
• It is the only guaranteed, infallible, unstoppable way to “Throw ALL the Bums Out”
• It takes effect immediately the day after Election Day
• If it doesn’t work, do it again and again! It will work eventually, I promise.
Never re-elect an incumbent? That is a tad excessive.
What do you call the 95% reelection rate of incumbents?
What do you call the refusal of Congress to allow a term limits bill to pass?
What do you call the refusal of Congress to call for an Article V convention, requested by all 50 states?
Wake up! We are headed for a dictatorship of the Congress.
Passing a "term limits" amendment is just a way to let lazy voters off the hook. How does it solve anything? People get a choice every election as to who should become representative, president, mayor, etc.
Tenure corrupts -
If 95% of all incumbents we're re-elected for just three terms, we would not be having these problems.
Harrison -
This is not about lazy voters, it is about confirming our Republic as such, not a Democracy, but as a Republic where those who we elect should be citizen legislators, most Americans approve of term limits.
Let us also remember, for besides 60 congressional districts in America, the rest will have either a Republican or a Democrat in them for decades at a time.
The only infallible, unstoppable, guaranteed way to get a truly new Congress is :
Voters must IMPOSE term limits by NEVER REELECTING INCUMBENTS , AND DO IT EVERY ELECTION! Don't let anyone serve more than one term. Some of the reasons to do this:
• It gives us a one-term, term limited Congress without using amendments
• It encourages widespread participation by ordinary citizens to run for Congress
• It would be supported by 70% of the country who want term limits for Congress
• It is completely non-partisan
• If repeated, it ends career politicians dominating Congress
• It opens the way to a “citizen Congress”
* It would open a torrent of fresh ideas to improve our government
• It ends the seniority system that keeps freshmen powerless
• It doesn’t cost money. But you MUST vote! Just don’t vote for an incumbent
• It is the only guaranteed, infallible, unstoppable way to “Throw the Bums Out”
• It takes effect immediately after Election Day
• If it doesn’t work, do it again and again! It will work eventually, I promise
nelson lee walker of tenurecorrupts.com
There are some good people in Congress. While I agree that the longer one stays in Congress the more "corrupt" they can become we voters have a choice every election whether to re-elect them. Instead of blaming the bad people in Congress the onus should be on the voters.
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