Thursday, April 15, 2010

Democrat Pollster Has Obama Behind Romney, Huckabee

Perhaps not the favorite of the GOP candidates for President in 2012, but it appears that President Obama is facing a tougher challenge for his reelection than he would have wanted. According to PPP, which is a traditionally Democratic Party poll, Obama trails both Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee.

Huckabee: 47
Obama: 44

Romney: 45
Obama: 44

Gingrich: 45
Obama: 45

Obama: 47
Palin: 45

And some interesting news from the article:

It's not that any of the Republican candidates are particularly popular, or even that Obama's approval numbers have declined. But whereas in previous months a good number of the voters disapproving of his job performance weren't ready to commit to voting Republican in 2012 yet, now 85-89% of them do in each of these hypothetical contests. That suggests that even if Obama's overall unpopularity has not increased, the intensity of it has. For instance among voters who disapprove of Obama but also have an unfavorable opinion of Sarah Palin, she leads him by 22 points in a head to head contest. That wasn't necessarily the case in previous months.

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