If Republicans want to maintain New York's 23rd congressional district, I would recommend the Republican candidate, Assemblywoman "Dede" Scozzafava drop out of the special election being held to replace Republican Congressman John McHugh, and endorse Conservative candidate for Congress, Doug Hoffman. This is no longer a third party candidate which Republicans can dismiss, because Doug Hoffman is not a third party obstructionist, he is the only true Republican in the special congressional election. Check out our interview with the candidate.
According to a new poll released by the Siena Research Institute, Scozzafava is losing more support each and every day, Hoffman is gaining support, and Owens is sitting silently on the sidelines letting Republicans bicker amongst themselves.
Bill Owens (D) - 33%
"Dede" Scozzafava (R) - 29%
Doug Hoffman (C) - 23%
Undecided - 15%.
Doug Hoffman is leading Independent voters, has the backing of 27% of Republican voters, and has surged seven percentage points over the past few weeks, while Scozzafava has lost six percentage points over the past few weeks, the only Republican candidate with serious backing, funding, grassroots support, and resonates with the district is Doug Hoffman.
The time has come for Scozzafava to decide whether or not she will place keeping the district in Republican hands (Doug Hoffman is a Republican, will caucus with Republicans, join the Republican Study Committee), or if she will let a historically Republican district fall into Democratic hands, because of her liberal views which are exactly the same as the Democrat candidate.
Easy decision - Republican control of 23rd congressional district or Democrat control of 23rd congressional district, I prefer Republican control, which is why I call on Scozzafava to end her campaign for Congress, and do the right thing, what the Republican Chairs should have done months ago, support Doug Hoffman for Congress.
I would like to thank R.S. McCain for his support of Doug Hoffman, as he joins such bloggers as Erick Erickson, and American Patriots such as Fred Thompson in supporting the only Conservative Republican in this election. God Bless.
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This is old news.
Hoffman has probably passed up Scoz.
He is now closing in on Owens the Dem.
Keep sending him money. There is a rumor that Sarah Palin will formally endorse Doug Hoffman.
Look for Doug on Glenn Beck's show today at 5:00pm EST on Fox News. (Thursday)
The problem is that Republicans don't vote for a Conservative single issue agenda. Sarah Palin endorsement is real, but an embarrassment in this 23rd district. As for Glenn Beck, I watched the video. Glenn pretty much laughed Hoffman off, sending him away without an endorsement. Send Hoffman money, but realize that Owens has raised more money than the other two combined from donations within the 23rd district.
We need a true conservative like Hoffman in there to challenge Obama. Hoffman won't be afraid to ask the tough questions like why has BO never shown a birth certificate? What is Obama hiding? Who is really controlling B. Hussein Obama? Hoffman's vote will be needed for impeachment and subsequent trials for treason of dems who knew the truth about Obama all along.
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