Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Harry Reid.....trouble continues.

Another poll.........another opportunity for Republicans to defeat Senator Reid.

Republican Mad'am Chairman Sue Lowden - 50%.
Democrat Senator Harry Reid - 40%.

Republican Danny Tarkanian - 50%
Democrat Senator Harry Reid - 43%.

Republican candidates who can beat Senator Reid - 2.
Democrat candidates who can beat the GOP - 0.

Good times again in Nevada? It might be to early to get that far ahead, however, with 14 months to election day 2010, the health care legislation very unpopular in Nevada, and the GOP doing better in that state, I would be looking forward to a Daschle like upset in 2010.

GOP 2010! Let the Conservative Republican revolution begin!

Rasmussen Reports poll - http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/elections2/election_2010/election_2010_senate_elections/nevada/election_2010_nevada_senate_race

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