Sources of the tension are varied. One of the smaller examples includes arms illegally en route to Iran from North Korea, seized by the UAE. This contravenes UN resolutions and is a material breach of international law.
In addition, Iran's nuclear program may be revealed to be larger and more expansive than previously believed. IAEA chief Mohammed El-Baradei (who won the Nobel prize for 'ending' Iran's nuclear program) was deliberately hiding information which stated that the Iranian military was also assisting the nuclear program. The United States, Britain, Holland, and Japan may assist in releasing this information.
Diplomatic pressure is building as more sanctions are being considered against the Iranian theocracy. France and Germany are now threatening Iran with stiffer economic punishments if it does not cooperate with international mandates regarding its nuclear reactors. This also comes as President Obama placed a September deadline for Iranian agreement.
This also comes as Iran is attempting to gain support for a ban on attacks on nuclear reactors. Over 100 non-aligned nations have already agreed to this in principle.
Feeling the heat, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, "elected" again in June in a horrible fraud, is expected to visit the United Nations on September 23, just eight days after a US deadline to open talks.
A top Iranian professor recently stated: "Iran won't recognize any unilaterally set deadline. "It is planning to give a set of proposals to solve outstanding issues in the near future."
Things are quickly becoming more similar to the situation before the Iraq War in 2003. In 2002, President Bush demanded verification of the end of Saddam's WMD program. Flanked by Western nations, inspectors returned, but Saddam moved to delay any further action. President Obama is again supported by many nations in his attempt to verify Iran's nuclear suspension, but if he acts further, he may be more isolated, just as President Bush was in 2003.
Does President Obama have the courage and determination to stop the Iranian nuclear program?
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