Thursday, September 3, 2009

2009 special election in California.

The 2009 special election in California's tenth congressional election will take place on election day 2009, the former Democrat representative decided to join the Obama administration, leading to the current process of special election. The Republicans have nominated David Harmer, who won the GOP Primary without a problem, and captured 20.58% of all of the votes during the primary (all votes counted, GOP, DEM, & Third party), while the nominated Democrat is the Lt.Governor in the state, and received 26.15% of all of the votes during the primary as well.

The Republicans had more of the 2008 voters come out based on percentage, as I have well documented that Republicans tend to come out in larger percentage then their Democrat counterparts. When the GOP gets more 2008 voters about percentage wise in the primary, you must be curious about the possibility of an upset during the election in a few months.

Overall, Harmer has a shot at upsetting the Democrat Lt.Governor, however, it will take a lot of hard work from the GOP, and they will need to peel off a lot of Democrats & Independents to have a prayer, I will be writing more on this election. in the near future.

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