Why have television networks lost millions upon millions of dollars over the past several months, its not because fewer people are watching television, it is not because ad revenues are skyrocketing downward, it is because of Barack Obama. As Obama has had four major press conferences/prime time speeches/joint session of Congress, etc.....each time has delayed hit television shows from airing, has led to advertisements not being shown, thus no money, and the audience numbers declining during each newscast.
Now, Obama is planning another joint session of Congress nationally televised prime time speech on health care, I wonder how many networks will cover this (considering next week is premiere week for some shows), and that we are still in a terrible recession, and television time & advertisements are money. Obama is not.
Lets also remember, these same networks that constantly air the Obama speeches & conferences, never treated George Bush in the same regards, in fact they cut from many of his speeches to go back to original programming.
I wonder how much more money the television networks will lose next week, because of Obama's fifth prime time conference/speech/ramblings.......
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