The long awaited Starcraft 2, Wings of liberty is just around the corner.
July 27th this amazing game will be released to the consumer market where it will make millions.
I myself cannot wait to play considering I was a part of the beta.
23 more hours until i can buy this game.
July 27th this amazing game will be released to the consumer market where it will make millions.
I myself cannot wait to play considering I was a part of the beta.
23 more hours until i can buy this game.

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People Activison had no hand in SC 2. Activison and Blizzard don't work together but they are together because they are own by a huge big French telecommunication Company that I can't remember how to spell it.But 60% of all Activison Blizzard profits go to this French Company.
Kayvin Honestly I find that the only people who say SC2 is SC1 HD haven't actually played SC2. It's the best RTS I've played in ages.
I just heard the big news Tuesday. I am so happy right now. I spent nemerous hours researching for where I could acquire a StarCraft 2 beta invite. I found a whole lot of fake sites, but eventually I discovered I’ve been playing it ever since! This game kicks ass!
I'm already missing every convention I wanted to go to, so not missing this little shindig.
It will be a glorious day!! In which I will finally be able to watch the story mode on youtube because my computer can't play star craft 2...damn...:(
Congrats, Sirchadthepro, another article with a ton of spam comments...well, at least it gets us hits.
AND hopefully heart of swarm will be out soon!!!!!!!!!!
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