This should no longer come as a surprise to me, but it is just so damn awful that members of our own Caucus, the true representatives of the American soldier, stand against our humble soldiers, and our Wars on Terror.
Here's the list of Republicans that need to go:
Congressman Broun (Georgia).
Congressman Campbell (California).
Congressman Chaffetz (Utah).
Congressman Duncan (Tennessee).
Congressman Ehlers (Michigan).
Congressman Flake (Arizona).
Congressman Gingrey (Georgia).
Congressman Jones (N. Carolina).
Congressman Johnson (Illinois).
Congressman Linder (Georgia).
Congressman Paul (Texas).
Congressman Rohrabacher (California).
This is the reason I'm fearful of a United States Senate with Rand Paul, Mike Lee, Ken Buck and Sharron Angle, in addition to Senator's Coburn and DeMint. Once we regain control of Congress, and say we have to expand the War on Terrorism into Pakistan or Yemen, will we have enough of our own Representatives and Senator's on the right side?
That's the question that leaves me awake at night.
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Do you really think that a republican controlled congress would expand the war on terror into Pakistan and Yemen? I don't think so. At least not conventionally. These are not wars on terror, this is a war against al-quaeda and all of it's subgroups. I don't see invasion of Pakistan and Yemen on the absolute must do list.
Although, I do agree with the notion that we are now fighting a defensive war. We must continuously defend at home against increasingly frequent attacks. We are certainly on the defensive in Afghanistan and less so, Iraq. This is not a conventional war and cannot be won conventionally. At least not yet.
At any rate, this does present a bit of a dilemma. Will the republican party get behind TEA party candidates if they don't conform to all party platforms. We shall see, but the country, including myself see fiscal accountability and individual liberty as the most important issue in this election.
Did they say why they voted no?
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