Saturday, August 21, 2010

Interview with Hyscience

 Today Jumping in Pools is proud to present its 108 in our ongoing interview series. Today we're interviewing Richard, the editor of the political site Hyscience. We'd like to thank him for taking part in the interview. Make sure to check out the site and bookmark!

   1. When and why did you start Hyscience?

In October 2004 I was terribly ill, in great pain, was told I was dying from cancer, had and have multiple sclerosis, and wanted to do something to help keep my mind off what I was going through. Turned out the doctors were right about the cancer and multiple sclerosis, wrong about my survival and will to live. In my opinion, being able to blog about the issues that matter to me, and that I have some knowledge of and experience in, has in many ways been a life saver. At the very least it's been a hell of a stress reliever.

2. Has President Obama been better or worse than you expected or feared?
He's met all my expectations: He's clearly shown himself to be the far-left, radical liberal-progressive, Muslim-appeasing, inexperienced rookie at managing anything, narcissistic jerk I thought he would be from the very beginning - based on all the information that was available during the campaign but only bloggers on the right took the time to read.

3. What's the best thing about running your site?
Having the opportunity to help get the facts out about political issues, Islamism, terrorism, and health matters.

4.Any favorites for 2012 yet?
Still hoping a competent alternative to what we have in the WH, and so far it looks like any jerk will do.

5. Would you vote for a "RINO" against Obama?
I'd vote for the village idiot before I'd vote for Obama, so I guess that includes a RINO.

6. What is the dumbest/worst thing Obama has done so far?
Almost too many to count or name. Let's start with getting elected in the first place, then go from there.

7. Anything else you would like to add?
Say goodbye to America if the agenda and policies of the Obama administration, and that of the Democrats in Congress, isn't begun to be stopped in November

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