Sunday, August 29, 2010

Reid Up by One in Nevada

According to the latest polling the race in Nevada remains razor thin. Harry Reid's surge in the poll has ceased and he is failing to gain traction against Republican nominee Sharron Angle. According to other recent polls Angle had either tied or gone slightly ahead in the race. The newest one from the Las Vegas Review Journal has Reid holding a small lead.

Reid * (D): 45%
Angle (R): 44%
Other/und: 9%
* Denotes incumbent

According to other polling done by the paper, many residents are disappointed by both major party nominees. This includes almost 50% who wish the Dems did not choose Reid and over 60% who said the same about Angle.

The low number of undecided certainly points that voters are making up their minds. The fact that Angle has been hit with attacks repeatedly and is still stable in the polls despite high personal negatives points to Nevadans having a severe dislike of Harry Reid.

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