Why are you the best choice for Maryland?
I am almost 58 years of age, and in reasonably good health. I have been an active member of a fraternity, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, since 1988. I held all the top offices as a Grand Master, Grand Patriarch, Department Commander as well as Chairman of Finance for several years after those offices. Experienced in planning budgets, monitoring costs, sitting on a board overseeing operations and maintenance of an assisted living home for almost 6 years.
I want to help do the job right, without moral or ethical problems that paint politicians in a bad light. In the current political climate in Congress, it is clear that most incumbents no longer listen to their constituents. I can do better for Maryland by listening, helping and working with my constituents, not just some of them - but staffing people to work in various counties throughout the state to perform these functions, and staying in regular contact with the staff and holding meetings with constituents.
As for working in the U.S. Senate, I would work with fellow Senators. But I will not allow those who would try to corrupt me - succeed in doing so. I expect difficulties along this line, but I have had 36 years in my engineering career so far to develop a strong spine.
How do you think your experience as an engineer will help you govern? Does it give you insight into certain things that the average politician doesn't have?
Yes, with my technical background in various technologies such as defense systems, maritime systems, computer & digital technologies I can understand most ramifications of pending and future products as well as their impact on consumer and government customers. I hope to contain costs as a result of my background, and prevent consumers from being gouged with unnecessary price increases. As it happens, this is exactly my current job function with the company that I work for right now. My math background is useful in making and understanding models to project costs and perform what-if scenarios to find the best economical answer.
If given the chance, would you try to repeal the Health Care Bill that the President and Democrats just passed?
Yes. Since its recent passage, more information is coming to light that wasn't being put forth in the news beforehand. For instance, the introduction of an additional 14 to 16,000 IRS agents that will be used to guarantee the oversight of civilians insurance coverage, monitoring their financial records and applying penalties to those who haven't purchased health insurance. Too many issues have arisen that will incur privacy problems, rising fees/costs and abuse of the system. This is just one area related to these new IRS employees to be hired. A local radio station today, with an economics guest, indicated that there are two private enterprise employees are kept from being hired per each government hire. This may add about 28 to 32,000 to the unemployment rolls.
Anecdotal evidence of doctors deciding to retire or quit their practice early may result in lack of adequate and timely care. There is already a report of pharmacies no longer going to service Medicare/Medicaid customers.
Unintended consequences due to passage of this Healthcare Bill are already starting to affect the public.
Additionally, the timeline of the full benefits of this Bill will not take effect until 2014. Well after the presidential election of 2012. It raises more concern that, until then, the public at large is going to be paying for this Bill almost four years before they will see any benefits.
It is like paying for a new car, but not allowed to obtain and use it until four years later. It is dubious that Congress cared about the financial health and well being of the public by making this timeline the way they did - by effectively keeping it secret until passage.
What fears do you have concerning ObamaCare?
Given what I have seen, read and heard concerning the evolution of the various bills in the Senate and House, I consider such a massive undertaking to be detrimental to the public on a scale never before seen in this country.
Past legislation has always brought about "unintended consequences" that always changes the costs and other effects on the public. It remains to be seen just how the national debt and deficit is going to be held according to their unbelievable projections. In the previous question/answer I mention about doctors quitting and pharmacies denying Medicare/Medicaid customers. This is just the start. Ultimately rationed care, even more so than what we may experience now, is on the horizon. This will change the perception of our current healthcare system as the best in the world to something much less.
On my website, I give some detail as to my own personal handicap due to lifesaving surgery to remove a malignant cancer from my left optic nerve near 57 years ago. I shudder to think what chances of survival might be should I, or someone like me, be born in the coming years. Would we be saved? Or would care be denied? Or would drugs be non-existent due to loss of profit incentive to the controlled drug companies? Or would insurance coverage be denied due to "pre-existing conditions"? (Yes, I know that issue is being fought right now. But at what cost? Will companies stop writing insurance policies? Go out of business? I do not see the government preventing that.)
How do you plan to help Maryland economically?
By convincing government (federal and Maryland) to grow business friendly environments. Develop economical incentives for existing and future businesses. Seek cost-effective directions to aid in those endeavors. Examine prior laws to see if they should remain and/or be improved, or eliminated - towards the goal of improving economic growth for Maryland.
Do you believe that politicians must listen to their constituents more?
Yes indeed, I express how I would address that in an answer above.
While I count on my education and career to help me in making decisions, it is vital to maintain connections with constituents as they may have insight and information that I do not have. They can help me grow as much as I can help them as well.
Anything more you would like to add?
Yes, I would. I hope that this interview serves to inform the voters what I have seen happening in the past several years and what is happening now.
It is likely they have the same concerns. I want them to know that I will work for them, work with them, talk and LISTEN to them now and into the next six years of this coming term. I will not waver in my resolve to work for Maryland and maintain proper decorum.
I am thankful for your contacting me to offer this chance to get the word out to my fellow citizens of Maryland. Here's hoping it will make a difference.
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