Senate Democrats have passed Obamacare via Reconciliation this afternoon, the legislation will head back to the House of Representatives after a small portion of the legislation was removed, here are the spineless bastards who voted for Reconciliation this afternoon:
Senator Akaka (Hawaii).
Senator Baucus (Montana).
Senator Bayh (Indiana).
Senator Begich (Alaska).
Senator Bennet (Colorado).
Senator Bingaman (New Mexico).
Senator Boxer (California).
Senator Brown (Ohio).
Senator Burris (Illinois).
Senator Byrd (West Virginia).
Senator Cantwell (Washington).
Senator Cardin (Maryland).
Senator Carper (Delaware).
Senator Casey (Pennsylvania).
Senator Conrad (North Dakota).
Senator Dodd (Connecticut).
Senator Dorgan (North Dakota).
Senator Durbin (Illinois).
Senator Feingold (Wisconsin).
Senator Feinstein (California).
Senator Franken (Minnesota).
Senator Gillibrand (New York).
Senator Hagen (North Carolina).
Senator Harkin (Iowa).
Senator Inouye (Hawaii).
Senator Johnson (South Dakota).
Senator Kaufman (Delaware).
Senator Kerry (Massachusetts).
Senator Klobuchar (Minnesota).
Senator Kohl (Wisconsin).
Senator Landrieu (Louisiana).
Senator Lautenberg (New Jersey).
Senator Leahy (Vermont).
Senator Levin (Michigan).
Senator Lieberman (Connecticut).
Senator McCaskill (Missouri).
Senator Menendez (New Jersey).
Senator Merkley (Oregon).
Senator Mikulski (Maryland).
Senator Murray (Washington).
Senator Nelson (Florida).
Senator Reed (Rhode Island).
Senator Reid (Nevada).
Senator Rockefeller (West Virginia).
Senator Sanders (Vermont).
Senator Schumer ( New York).
Senator Shaheen (New Hampshire).
Senator Specter (Pennsylvania).
Senator Stabenow (Michigan).
Senator Tester (Montana).
Senator Udall (Colorado).
Senator Udall (New Mexico).
Senator Warner (Virginia).
Senator Webb (Virginia).
Senator Whitehouse (Rhode Island).
Senator Wyden (Oregon).
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