Obama - 4,282,074 - 50.92% - 27 Electoral Votes.
McCain - 4,045,624 - 48.10% - 0 Electoral Votes.
A recent June 2010 Quinnipiac Poll sampling of 1,133 Floridians:
Obama Job Performance
Disapprove - 54% - 91% of GOP, 50% of Ind, and 14% of Dem.
Approve - 40% - 81% of Dem, 43% of Ind, and 6% of GOP.
President Barack Obama won Florida with a cushion of just 236,000 votes, or by a margin of 1.8 percentage points. And now a recent poll from a respectable polling firm has his numbers in one of the most important states at 40%. For someone who faces the voters again in 29 months; a 40% approval rating is a bad sign of worse things to come.
Imagine if these polling numbers reflect voters from across the Nation? Obama won the state of North Carolina by 14,000 votes; the state of Indiana by 29,000 votes; the state of Nevada by 120,000 votes; the state of Iowa by 140,000 voters; the state of Virginia by 230,00 votes; the state of Ohio by 260,000 votes; and he lost in Missouri by only 4,000 votes.
Losing 10% support in all of the above mentioned states would cause such a overturn of voters that it might not matter who Republicans select to be their Presidential nominee; just as long as a Republican is on the ballot. Period.
Memo to all perspective candidates for the Republican Nomination: All you need to do to win the 2012 Presidential Election is to flip about 1,056,000 votes in the seven above mentioned states, which in turn will result in 98 Electoral Votes going into our column, leaving us the victors in 2012.
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Here's hoping.
Amen. Also; when I wrote that all the eventual GOP Nominee has to do is flip 1,056,000 votes in just 7 states and he wins the Election; I was not predicting a GOP - 61 Mil. Obama - 68 Mil. election in 2012.
I expect Republicans to reach about 65 million votes in 2012; with Obama receiving about 64 million.
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