Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Boston Globe declares Martha Coakley the winner?

The Boston Globe was testing their election graphic for the upcoming election results this afternoon, ignoring the Conservative blogosphere and smaller newspapers, that caught their "testing" indicating a Martha Coakley victory this evening.

While the "test" should be benign, I wouldn't put it pass our liberal counterparts to "fudge" the results this evening, so in order to secure a pure election result for this evening, the Globe "test" had Coakley with 1,032,450 votes, Brown with 1,011,802 votes, and Kennedy with 20,649 votes.

I hope the real numbers are different from the above mentioned results, because Scott Brown would be filing a lawsuit first thing tomorrow morning, and the court process would endure for months.

Also, Jumping in Pools will be following the election results live tonight, along with opinion, commentary, and reaction from around the Internet.

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