I'll document a few cases to prove a well known point, because I am a blogger, meaning I have nothing else do to, and thus reporting is all I have time to do, regardless of what the elites preach to their uneducated choir.
On, December 30th, William Jacobson of the Legal Insurrection blogger about the Scott Brown advantage on social networking websites, http://legalinsurrection.blogspot.com/2009/12/scott-brown-winning-online-battle.html
On, January 8th, Jumping in Pools reported on the ever increasing Scott Brown advantage on social networking websites, http://jumpinginpools.blogspot.com/2010/01/brown-is-winning-battle-of-blogosphere.html
On, January 18th, Eric Kuhn of CNN reported on the Scott Brown advantage on social networking websites, http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2010/01/18/gop-candidate-dominates-social-networking-in-massachusetts/, picking up on a well known trend, weeks after Conservative bloggers reported the initial findings.
It appears the Conservative blogosphere has scooped the supposed professionals on reporting the undeniable facts of Internet support, however, the Main Stream Media can without a doubt claim credit for on the ground reporting, right? Nope.
On, January 9th, William Jacobson of Legal Insurrection filed his first of four on the ground reports, http://legalinsurrection.blogspot.com/2010/01/brown-hq-report-1.html, providing millions of Conservatives with an inside the Brown campaign series of exclusives.
On, January 14th, R.S. McCain of The Other McCain and the American Spectator posted his first of numerous reports from Massachusetts, http://theothermccain.com/2010/01/14/scott-brown-meets-the-press/, including articles on unusual Brown supporters, events, and pictures the Main Stream Media would never post.
I guess their wrong on that as well.
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