Also, Coakley has conceded, Absentee ballots will have no effect on the race, SEAT BROWN!
Dartmouth, Massachusetts supported Scott Brown, as 53% of voters were on the right side of "history".
All Massachusetts Towns located on the border with New York, voted Coakley....
Scott Brown wins Revere, Massachusetts - how fitting!
Coakley wins Worcester, Massachusetts 52-47%. SHOCKING! Worcester is where Republicans usually go to die!
9:40 - Scott Brown leads Coakley 52-47%, as Kennedy has received 1% with just 19,000 votes, 89% of all votes counted - 73% of Wrentham voters support Brown.
Brown - 1,036,855, Coakley - 921,459, Kennedy - 19,867.
Senator McCain received 1,108,854 votes during the Presidential election, Scott Brown has received 996,990 votes thus far in the 2010 Senate election, could Brown surpass McCain?
9:35 - Scott Brown leads Coakley 52-47%, as Kennedy has received 1% with just 19,000 votes, 87% of all votes counted.
Brown - 996,990, Coakley - 887,754, Kennedy - 19,157.
69% of Rutland voters supported Scott Brown, while all elected officials in Town are all Democrats.
9:28 - Scott Brown leads Coakley 52-47%, as Kennedy has received 1% with just 17,000 votes, 79% of all votes counted - Brown declared winner.
Brown - 907,421, Coakley - 811,036, Kennedy - 17,402
9:23 - Scott Brown leads Coakley 53-46%, as Kennedy has received 1% with just 16,000 votes, 75% of all votes counted - 69% of Rutland supports Scott Brown.
Brown - 864,629, Coakley - 759,561, Kennedy - 16,651
9:17 - Scott Brown leads Coakley 53-46%, as Kennedy has received 1% with just 15,000 votes, 69% of all votes counted - 74% of Douglas voted for Brown.
Brown - 791,972, Coakley - 696,751, Kennedy - 15,150.
9:12 - Scott Brown leads Coakley 53-46%, as Kennedy has received 1% with just 14,000 votes, 65% of all votes counted - Worcester is close & 77% of Stow voters have voted.
Brown - 745,361, Coakley - 654,070, Kennedy - 14,174.
9:00 - Scott Brown leads Coakley 52-47%, as Kennedy has received 1% with just 11,000 votes, 52% of all votes counted - Note, Republican candidate received 900,000 votes during 2008 election.
Brown - 587,389, Coakley - 520,311, Kennedy - 11,146.
8:53 - Scott Brown leads Coakley 53-46%, as Kennedy has received 1% with just 8,700 votes, 40% of all votes counted
Brown - 462,013, Coakley - 407,455, Kennedy - 8,794
8:43 - Scott Brown leads Coakley 53-46%, as Kennedy has received 1% with just 4,300 votes, 21% of all votes counted - close election in Boston of all places.
Brown - 249,106, Coakley - 216,117, Kennedy - 4,392.
8:38 - Scott Brown leads Coakley 53-46%, as Kennedy has received 1% with just 3,000 votes, 13% of all votes counted - 55% in Fitchburg support Brown.
Brown - 170,431, Coakley - 146,410, Kennedy - 2,947.
8:29 - Scott Brown leads Coakley 52-47%, as Kennedy has received 1% with just 2,000 votes, 8% of all votes counted.
Brown - 103,633, Coakley - 93,019, Kennedy - 1,832.
This is it, the Massachusetts Senate election is over and Jumping in Pools will be covering the results all night long, check back on a regular basis for updates, because I will be updating this post until the election is declared for one candidate or the other. Also, it is hilarious to hear the Democratic candidate claim "voter fraud", when ACORN and SEIU is on their side.
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